About CLU-IN
Mission Statement
The Contaminated Site Clean-Up Information (CLU-IN) Web Site provides information about innovative treatment and site characterization technologies to the hazardous waste remediation community. It describes programs, organizations, publications, and other tools for federal and state personnel, consulting engineers, technology developers and vendors, remediation contractors, researchers, community groups, and individual citizens. The site was developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) but is intended as a forum for all waste remediation stakeholders.
CLU-IN History
CLU-IN has been serving the hazardous waste remediation community since 1987. The CLU-IN Bulletin Board System (BBS) was developed by the U.S. EPA Office of Land and Emergency Management (OLEM) and began operation in 1987. This precursor to the modern form of the World Wide Web offered electronic messaging, bulletins that could be read online, descriptions and listings of EPA documents, a calendar of EPA training courses, notices of upcoming meetings, the text of EPA newsletters, files for download, and special interest group areas (SIGs) limited to particular groups or subject areas. A 1989 video entitled "The Technology Transfer Electronic Bulletin Board System" is available in Windows Media Player format.
The CLU-IN web site was launched in 1996, and was operated in parallel with the CLU-IN BBS between 1996 and 1999. In 1999, The CLU-IN BBS was discontinued to better serve the growing CLU-IN web site user community. Since 1996, CLU-IN has evolved to offer new information, features, and services to its user community, such as:
- Bulletin Board System (1987)
- CLU-IN Web Site Launched (1996)
- TechDirect Information Service Launched (1997)
- Streaming Videos (1998)
- Vendor and Developer Support (1998)
- Internet Seminars (1999)
- First Internet Seminar: Measuring Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) in Soils and Solvent Extracts Using Field Analytical Techniques on January 28, 1998
- Online Databases (1999)
- Technology Focus (1999)
- Conference Webcasts (2000)
- First Conference Webcast: In Situ Thermal Treatment Conference on June 7, 2000
- Field Analytic Technologies Encyclopedia (2001)
- Technology Innovation News Survey Archives (2002)
- Contaminant Focus (2003)
- Upgraded CLU-IN Search Engine (2004)
- Project Profile Databases Search (2005)
- RSS Feed (2005)
- Internet Seminar Archive Audio Podcasts (2005)
- First Audio Podcast: What is New with In Situ Chemical Oxidation? on May 19, 2005
- Issue Areas (2006)
- Training Area (2006)
- Software and Tools Area (2007)
- Site Tour (2008)
- Social Media Initiatives (2012)
- Internet Seminar Archive Video Podcasts (2013)
- First Video Podcast: Capturing Mercury: The Human Body Experience on February 6, 2013
Relation to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Web Site
The CLU-IN web site functions through the www.clu-in.org address as a public service of the Technology Innovation and Field Services Division, out of EPA's Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation (OSRTI). EPA Order 2190.4 reiterates the "requirement that EPA data and information provided to the public on the World Wide Web be stored, protected, catalogued, and maintained on computer servers that form the EPA Public Access Web site (www.epa.gov)."
CLU-IN operates within the following guidelines for web sites sponsored and operated by EPA, but external to EPA's web site as outlined in Order 2190.4:
- All EPA material on CLU-IN is "mirrored" on the EPA web site. Most of this material is available through the Technologies for Cleaning Up Contaminated Sites area of EPA's web site. However, CLU-IN also contains information produced by other EPA offices that is available through other sections of the EPA web site. CLU-IN content is commingled with non-EPA content relevant to all groups served by the site, and produced by other Federal Agencies, States, non-profit organizations, research centers, international organizations, etc.
- The Technology Innovation and Field Services Division's outreach efforts require technologies beyond those available on the EPA's public access web servers and hence unavailable through the EPA web site. One example of these services is the various streaming videos available through the CLU-IN Studio. EPA guidance on web hosting allows for the use of external servers to supply such needs.
Other Web Sites Supported by the Technology Innovation and Field Services Division
The Training Exchange (Trainex)
EPA works in partnership with organizations, such as the Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC), and other agencies, such as the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), to offer training relevant to hazardous waste remediation, site characterization, risk assessment, emergency response, site/incident management, counter-terrorism, and the community's role in site management and cleanup.
Superfund Analytical Services/Contract Laboratory Program (CLP)
Scribe: Environmental Field Data Capture
Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable
Triad Resource Center Web Site
EPA Brownfields and Land Revitalization Technology Support Center
Remediation Technologies Development Forum (RTDF)
EPA On-Scene Coordinators
U.S. EPA Technical Support Project
For more information, please contact Luci Dunnington, Technology Assessment Branch, 202-566-0925, dunnington.lucila@epa.gov.