Green Remediation Focus
Old Base Landfill
Cleanup Objectives: Contain an unlined landfill containing nearly 38,000 cubic yards of soil contaminated by waste such as pesticides and asbestos debris
Green Remediation Strategy: Employed BMPs for controlling stormwater runoff and sediment erosion during construction of a landfill cover
- Installed a woven geotextile silt fence downgradient of construction to filter sediment from surface runoff
- Added a "super-silt fence" (woven geotextile with chain-link fence backing) on steep grades surrounding the landfill
- Constructed berms and surface channels to divert stormwater to sediment ponds
- Emplaced erosion control blankets to stabilize slopes and channels until vegetation was established
- Hydroseeded the landfill cover with native seed to foster rapid plant growth
- Effectively captured sediment at super-silt fence despite heavy rain of Hurricane Floyd
- Avoided damage of infrastructure used in site redevelopment
- Reestablished 100% vegetative cover within one year
Property End Use: Redevelopment for office and light industrial space
Point of Contact: Kevin Pavlik, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Update: June 2008