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Optimization Review: Hastings Ground Water Contamination Site Second Street Subsite Operable Units #12 and #20 Published 2013
The Hastings Ground Water Contamination Site Second Street Subsite is located in Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska. The Second Street Subsite has been divided into two OUs: (1) OU 12 addresses the contaminated soils and source materials at the subsite, and (2) OU 20 addresses the contaminated groundwater that extends from the source area and has migrated beyond the Second Street Subsite boundaries. The Second Street Subsite is a former manufactured gas plant (FMGP); benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylenes (collectively referred to as BTEX) and other VOCs (for example, styrene) and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have been detected in the Second Street Subsite soil and groundwater, indicating that wastes remaining from the FMGP have contaminated the soil and groundwater

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