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Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvents in Fractured Bedrock: Characterization and Case Studies Published 2002
This document was prepared by Erica Borum, a NNEMS grantee under a fellowship from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The objective of this paper is to present in situ bioremediation in fractured bedrock as an innovative technology for the treatment of chlorinated solvents. The heterogeneity of fractured bedrock and the persistence of chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons (CAHs) create a costly, remedial challenge in the subsurface. Due to the existence of microorganisms in the subsurface, bioremediation processes in fractured bedrock have proven to be a potentially successful remedial process. This paper summarizes ten on-going case studies that are utilizing bioremediation of chlorinated solvent and will discuss the parameters of the projects as well as current findings.

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