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Our technology guides collect information about many types of remediation technologies used to clean up contaminated sites. Current initiatives related to site cleanup, websites maintained by EPA and other federal agencies and state organizations, and recent documents are also included on this page.

Technology Pages

Technology Selection Tools

Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable Decision Support Tools (DSTs) Matrix

DSTs are interactive software tools used by decision-makers to help answer questions, solve problems, and support or refute conclusions. They can be incorporated into a structured decision-making process for environment site clean-up. DSTs often support multiple functions, such as data acquisition, spatial data management, modeling, and cost estimating. The Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable matrix is a table that provides general information about each DST, such as the types of files that may be imported to, or exported from, the DST, the characteristics of applicable sites (contaminants and media) and the functions it performs. All DSTs that were evaluated are free to the public.

The Remediation Technologies Screening Matrix

The remediation technologies screening matrix is a user-friendly tool for screening potentially applicable technologies for a remediation project. The matrix allows you to screen 49 in situ and ex situ technologies for either soil or groundwater remediation. Variables used in screening include contaminants, development status, overall cost, and cleanup time. In-depth information on each technology is also available, including direct links to the database of cost and performance reports written by Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable members.

Navy: Remediation Technologies

Informational webpage describes more than 40 in situ and ex situ remediation technologies for soil, groundwater, surface water, and sediment, as well as capping of wastes. Applicability, cost, duration, and limitations are discussed, and links to publications are provided.

U.S. Environmental Solutions Toolkit: Buyer's Guide to U.S. Environmental Technologies and Service Providers

Online tool serves as a buyer's resource guide combining EPA expertise on solving environmental challenges with a catalogue of U.S. providers of related technologies. Users identify their environmental issue and preferred solution, and the tool identifies U.S solution providers.

Brownfields Road Map to Understanding Options for Site Investigation and Cleanup

Brownfields Road Map 6th Edition breaks down Brownfields site investigation and cleanup into an easy to understand, step-by-step process that provides valuable and up-to-date information to a wide range of Brownfields stakeholders involved in or affected by the redevelopment of Brownfields sites. It introduces readers to a range of considerations and activities, and provides links to online technical resources and tools. The Road Map also highlights ten important issues, processes and initiatives commonly encountered by Brownfields stakeholders through "spotlights." These focus areas provide a quick look at topics currently relevant to Brownfields projects and provide links to additional information.

General Technology Resources

Superfund Cleanup Technologies

EPA prepares the Superfund Remedy Report to provide information and analyses on remedies EPA selected to address contamination at Superfund National Priorities List and Superfund Alternative Approach sites. This report is the latest in a series, prepared since 1991, on Superfund remedy selection. The latest edition focuses on the analysis of Superfund remedial actions selected in fiscal years 2018, 2019, and 2020.

The data that forms the basis of the analyses contained in SRR 17th Edition can be found at Superfund Data and Reports by downloading Contaminant of Concern Data for Decision Documents by Media and Remedy Component Data for Decision Documents by Media.


This website provides technology articles written by invited experts and edited by leaders in the environmental field. It aims to introduce and summarize current knowledge to environmental project professionals on topics using cross-linked references to reports and technical literature.

Green Remediation

EPA's Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation has developed a Green Remediation web site. The site explains the basic principles and objectives of green remediation, and outlines best practices for reducing the environmental footprint of contaminated site cleanup projects. Over coming months, the site will expand to describe more details on green remediation best practices, and serve as a clearinghouse for technical materials, decision-making tools, site-specific case studies illustrating green remediation implementation efforts, and information on green remediation related events and new information products.

For more information, please contact Luci Dunnington, Technology Integration and Information Branch, 202-566-0925,

Superfund Analytical Services/Contract Laboratory Program (CLP) Tools

The Analytical Services Branch provides several tools to assist Contract Laboratory Program (CLP) clients, laboratories, and samplers. These tools were designed to use the Internet to facilitate many of the essential functions of the CLP. They incorporate Web technologies such as Lotus Notes/Domino, Cold Fusion, and Extensible Markup Language (XML).

Fact Sheets for Communities

Community Guides to Cleanup Technologies

The Community Guide series (formerly Citizen's Guides) is a set of two-page fact sheets describing cleanup methods used at Superfund and other hazardous waste cleanup sites. Each guide answers six questions about the method: 1) What is it? 2) How does it work? 3) How long will it take? 4) Is it safe? 5) How might it affect me? 6) Why use it? Each guide also contains information about how many Superfund sites have used the technology and a case study description. The series was originally released in 2005, then updated with new information in 2012, 2016, and 2021. The content is maintained by EPA's Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. The guides are also available in Spanish.
  • Air Stripping
  • Amended Sediment Caps
  • Biochemical Reactors
  • Bioremediation
  • Capping
  • Ecological Revitalization
  • Evapotranspiration Covers
  • Excavation of Contaminated Waste
  • Fracturing for Site Cleanup
  • Granular Activated Carbon Treatment
  • Greener Cleanups
  • In Situ Carbon Amendments
  • In Situ Chemical Oxidation
  • In Situ Chemical Reduction
  • In Situ Sediment Amendment
  • In Situ Thermal Treatment
  • Incineration
  • Monitored Natural Attenuation
  • Permeable Reactive Barriers
  • Phytotechnologies
  • Pump and Treat
  • Soil Vapor Extraction and Air Sparging
  • Solidification and Stabilization
  • Thermal Desorption
  • Vapor Intrusion Mitigation
  • Vertical Engineered Barriers

Email Newsletters

Newsletters on Innovative Treatment Technologies

TechDirect is an information service that highlights new publications and events of interest to site remediation and site assessment professionals. At the beginning of every month, the service, via e-mail, will distribute a message describing the availability of publications and events. For publications, the message will explain how to obtain a hard copy or how to download an electronic version.

The Technology Innovation News Survey contains market/commercialization information; reports on demonstrations, feasibility studies and research; and other news relevant to the hazardous waste community interested in technology development. This report is updated each month.

Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOpps) contains summaries of procurement and contract award notices issued the previous week that pertain to hazardous waste, solid waste, underground storage tank remediation, and other environmental topics. However, it does not necessarily contain EVERY notice on these topics. Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOpps) is published weekly.