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TechDirect's purpose is to identify new technical, policy and guidance resources related to the assessment and remediation of contaminated soil, sediments and ground water.
Mention of non-EPA documents or presentations does not constitute a U.S. EPA endorsement of their contents, only an acknowledgment that they exist and may be relevant to the TechDirect audience.
> Upcoming Live Internet Seminars

ITRC Radiation Site Cleanup: CERCLA Requirements and Guidance - June 5.
The focus of this ITRC training is EPA's guidance for remediating radioactively contaminated sites, which can facilitate cleanups that are consistent with how chemical contaminants are addressed, except where technical differences posed by radiation are addressed.
This course also discusses long term stewardship (LTS) challenges related to the large radioactively contaminated sites.
This understanding of LTS issues is integral to the cleanup process and decisions made at the radiation sites.
For more information and to register, see http://www.itrcweb.org or http://clu-in.org/studio .
ITRC Protocol for Use of Five Passive Samplers - June 7.
This training supports the understanding and use of the ITRC Protocol for Use of Five Passive Samplers to Sample for a Variety of Contaminants in Groundwater (DSP-5, 2007).
The five technologies included in this document include diffusion samplers, equilibrated grab samplers; and an accumulation sampler.
The training starts with information common to all five samples then focuses on each sampler as instructors describe the sampler and explain how it works; discuss deployment and retrieval of the sampler; highlight advantages and limitations; and present results of data comparison studies.
For more information and to register, see http://www.itrcweb.org or http://clu-in.org/studio .
ITRC Risk Assessment and Risk Management: Determination and Application of Risk-Based Values - June 14.
This training course describes the development and application of risk-based screening values.
The first module provides a review of key risk assessment concepts related to risk management.
The second module focuses on the process by which risk-based levels are derived in different states.
The third module examines the application of risk assessment to remediation operations in two case studies providing examples of how risk assessment has actually been implemented, based upon research and case studies conducted by the ITRC Risk Assessment Resources team.
This training course describes a number of the reasons behind variations in risk-based screening values and their use in risk management.
For more information and to register, see http://www.itrcweb.org or http://clu-in.org/studio .
> New Documents and Web Resources

Soil Remediation, Revitalization, and Reuse: Technical Performance Measures is now available.
This CLU-IN section is a tool to assist site project managers in selecting appropriate Technical Performance Measures (TPMs) for evaluating the success (risk reduction) of soil amendments or other in situ technologies used for remediation, revitalization, and reuse of contaminated sites.
The database of TPMs and the search engine at the heart of this new tool contain a range of potentially applicable TPMs.
This provides site managers the flexibility they need to design the most appropriate testing for their sites while providing consistency and comparability between sites.
The database includes a set of "core" TPMs chosen for their ready availability, reasonable cost, and level of standardization, plus supplemental TPMs that could be useful and/or important depending on specific conditions at your site.
Users can search the database by using criteria (including the project goal, exposure pathway, and desired performance endpoint) that are appropriate for their sites.
The search results provide information about each method that matches the selection criteria, including whether the method is a "core" TPM, comments on issues to consider when using the method, and references for additional information.
The TPMs in the database currently focus on metals, and the list is not exhaustive.
Users are encouraged to suggest other appropriate tests that should be included.
Over time, the matrix also may be expanded to include other types of contaminants.
For more information, see http://www.clu-in.org/ecorevitalization .
Triad Implementation Guide (SCM-3).
This document was published by the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC).
It provides guidance for environmental organizations that want to implement the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency Triad process into their business practices.
This document is intended to complement the first Sampling, Characterization, and Monitoring Team document, Technical and Regulatory Guidance for the Triad Approach: A New Paradigm for Environmental Project Management (ITRC 2003).
Although this document is written to specifically address issues that may be encountered by a state agency, it should also be helpful to those in other segments of government and in the private sector.
Reasons for implementing Triad are discussed, as are myths, potential obstacles, and lessons learned.
Challenges and solutions to anticipated issues are discussed.
The appendices include an example of an organization attempting to establish Triad as an internal policy.
Other appendices include information on legal defensibility, budget and procurement issues, and acceptability of data generated via field methods and considerations dealing with risk assessment (May 2007, 63 pages).
View or download at http://www.itrcweb.org/Documents/SCM-3.pdf . For hard copies, see http://www.itrcweb.org/gd.asp .
Grand Plaza Site Investigation Using the Triad Approach and Evaluation of Vapor Intrusion (EPA 540/R-07-002).
This document provides a detailed report about a field study conducted by EQM/URS on behalf of EPA's National Risk Management Research Laboratory to characterize the subsurface contamination of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at a Brownfield commercial site.
The Triad approach was implemented to characterize the extent of soil, groundwater, and soil gas contamination.
These data were used to assess impact on indoor air due to vapor intrusion.
Seventy-seven soil samples, twenty-eight groundwater samples, and ten soil-gas samples were collected from Geoprobe(TM) borings and analyzed on-site by USEPA Method SW-846 8265 direct sampling ion trap mass spectrometry (DSTIMS).
Additional SW-8260b and TO-15 analyses were performed on approximately 10% of the samples by off-site laboratories.
Tetrachloroethylene (PCE), trichloroethylene (TCE) and cis-1,2-dichloroethylene (DCE) were detected in all media with PCE as the prevalent compound (September 2006, 86 pages).
View or download at http://www.epa.gov/nrmrl/pubs/540r07002/540r07002.pdf .
Vapor Intrusion and Ambient Air Study Final Results Report: Armen Cleaners, Ann Arbor, Michigan (EPA 542-R-06-010).
This report summarizes data collection and results from an investigation at the Armen Cleaners site in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
The primary focus of the investigation was to identify issues related to vapor intrusion.
This report further provides suggestions and information on data utility, additional data needs, risk assessment, and remedial action for the site.
The evaluations and suggestions presented in this report have been developed in accordance with the Triad approach to site characterization and remediation that EPA is promoting.
The Triad approach stresses the use of systematic planning, real-time measurement technologies, and dynamic work strategies in the field to expedite environmental data collection and increase the weight of evidence generated to support environmental decision-making throughout the project or site life cycle.
View or download at http://clu-in.org/techpubs.htm .
RemTech Proceedings (2002-2006).
RemTech is sponsored by the Environmental Services Association of Alberta (ESAA), a not-for-profit business association dedicated to building a strong environment industry through leadership in technology, human resources, quality improvement and market development.
All of the proceedings from the annual Remediation Technologies Symposium (RemTech) are online.
This resource is free and searchable and contains approximately 200 technical presentation (from the past five years) and case studies all focused on remediation and a variety of technologies, applications and contaminants.
For more information, see http://www.esaa-events.com/remtech/proceedings.htm .
Technology News and Trends (EPA 542-N-06-009).
This issue highlights methods for harnessing energy from renewable resources to reduce remediation costs and minimize the environmental footprint left by remediation technologies.
These methods currently are used to generate virtually no-cost electrical power for low-energy remediation systems, to "polish" remediation following aggressive baseline technologies, or to serve as baseline technologies addressing moderate contaminant concentrations.
Incorporation of renewable energy resources early in remediation planning can significantly reduce long-term cleanup costs and allows site managers to evaluate environmental tradeoffs of potential remedies (May 2007, 6 pages).
View or download at http://clu-in.org/techpubs.htm .
May 2007 State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Newsletter.
The State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners (SCRD) produces a newsletter to announce recent events and undertakings.
The May 2007 issue discusses a new publication on the SCRD web site, state updates, and upcoming events.
View or download at http://www.drycleancoalition.org/download/news0507.pdf .
EUGRIS Corner.
New Documents on EUGRIS, the platform for European contaminated soil and water information.
See http://www.eugris.info/DisplayNewsItem.asp?NewsID=400 to access important new information from Europe, including the following documents and web links.
Look at the New RESOURCES section under NEWS.
Twenty-five new resources, projects and news items were added to EUGRIS in May 2007.
These resources include the following document:
Biological Test Methods for Assessing Contaminated Land: A Demonstration of the Use of a Framework for the Ecological Risk Assessment of Land Contamination (Science Report P5-069/TR1).
This report was published by the UK Environment Agency.
It illustrates a scientific framework for assessing the risk of significant harm to an organism, animal or whole ecosystem on potentially contaminated sites.
The framework demonstrates best practice in Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA), which plays an increasingly important part of the decision-making process for managing environmental problems (August 2004, 116 pages).
To download, go to http://publications.environment-agency.gov.uk/epages/eapublications.storefront and enter SCHO0804BICW-E-E as the product code on the publications search page.
> Conferences and Symposia

2007 EPA Community Involvement Conference and Training , Jacksonville, June 19-22.
The EPA's tenth annual Community Involvement Training Conference will be held June 19-22, 2007, in Jacksonville, Florida.
This dynamic conference brings together more than 450 people from EPA and its federal, state, tribal, and local partners who plan and implement environmental community involvement, partnership, stewardship, outreach, and education programs.
The 2007 conference theme, Community Involvement: Celebrating the Past, Looking to the Future, underscores the educational value of highlighting lessons from the successes of the past ten years and also exploring forward-looking, innovative approaches for government to interact with communities to promote the protection and sustainability of our environment.
More information is available at http://www.epa.gov/ciconference/ .
2007 National Site Assessment Symposium and Training, Denver, June 19-21.
The purpose of the National Site Assessment Symposium (NSAS) and Training is to provide an opportunity for the sharing of information among Federal, State, and Tribal stakeholders about new and changing approaches and policies in Superfund hazardous waste cleanup that affect site assessment activities.
More information is available at http://trainex.org/nsas/ .
Call for Abstracts!! Desert Remedial Action Technologies Workshop, Phoenix, October 2-4.
The first U.S EPA-sponsored Desert Remedial Action Technologies Workshop will be held in Phoenix, Arizona.
This will be the first EPA-sponsored workshop to focus on remedial technologies being successfully applied in desert environments.
The program will emphasize field applications and case studies for technologies being applied to dissolved phase volatile organic compounds (VOCs), (specifically tricholoroethene [TCE]), perchlorate, and chromium.
Abstracts to be considered for placement in the program are due June 29.
See http://clu-in.org/techpubs.htm to access the call for abstracts and the submission form.
All inquiries regarding submission and content of abstracts should be addressed to Mary Aycock, Aycock.Mary@epa.gov, (415) 972-3289.
NOTE: For TechDirect, we prefer to concentrate mainly on new documents and the Internet live events.
However, we do support an area on CLU-IN where announcement of conferences and courses can be regularly posted.
Currently there are 133 conferences and courses featured.
We invite sponsors to input information on their events at http://clu-in.org/courses . Likewise, readers may visit this area for news of upcoming events that might be of interest.
It allows users to search events by location, topic, time period, etc.
If you have any questions regarding TechDirect, contact Jeff Heimerman at (703) 603-7191 or heimerman.jeff@epa.gov. Remember, you may subscribe, unsubscribe or change your subscription address at http://clu-in.org/techdrct at any time night or day.
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