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TechDirect's purpose is to identify new technical, policy and guidance resources related to the assessment and remediation of contaminated soil, sediments and groundwater.
Mention of non-EPA documents or presentations does not constitute a U.S. EPA endorsement of their contents, only an acknowledgment that they exist and may be relevant to the TechDirect audience.
> Grant Announcement

Applicants Selected for FY 2022 Brownfields Assessment, RLF, Cleanup (ARC) Grants and RLF Supplemental Funding.
In May, EPA announced that 227 communities were selected to receive 237 grant awards for a total of $147.5 million in Brownfields Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund, and Cleanup Grant funding.
These Brownfields Grants will be used to assess, clean up and redevelop underutilized properties while protecting public health and the environment.
Brownfields Grants not only support economic growth and job creation, but they also empower communities to address the environmental, public health, and social issues associated with contaminated land.
EPA also announced $107 million in supplemental funding to 39 successful, existing Revolving Loan Fund Grant recipients who have demonstrated success in their work to clean up and redevelop brownfield sites.
Supplemental funding for RLF Grants is available to recipients that have depleted their funds and have viable cleanup projects ready for work. RLF supplemental funding helps sustain and increase the great progress these communities have made in cleaning up brownfield sites, while also helping them become stronger, healthier, and more economically competitive.
For more information, please visit https://www.epa.gov/brownfields/applicants-selected-fy-2022-brownfields-assessment-rlf-cleanup-arc-grants-and-rlf
> Upcoming Live Internet Seminars

Vapor Intrusion Mitigation (VIM-1) - A Two Part Series, June 2 and 14, 2022.
When certain contaminants or hazardous substances are released into the soil or groundwater, they may volatilize into soil gas.
Vapor intrusion (VI) occurs when these vapors migrate up into overlying buildings and contaminate indoor air.
ITRC has previously released guidance documents focused on VI, including the "Vapor Intrusion Pathway: A Practical Guidance" (VI-1, 2007) and "Petroleum Vapor Intrusion: Fundamentals of Screening, Investigation, and Management" (PVI, 2014).
However, ITRC has received multiple requests for additional details and training on mitigation strategies for addressing this exposure pathway.
The ITRC Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Team (VIMT) created ten fact sheets, 16 technology information sheets, and 4 checklists with the goal of assisting regulators during review of vapor intrusion mitigation systems, and helping contractors understand the essential elements of planning, design, implementation, and operation, maintenance and monitoring (OM&M) of mitigation systems.
The Vapor Intrusion Mitigation training is a series of eight (8) modules, presented over two sessions.
For more information and to register, see https://www.itrcweb.org or https://clu-in.org/live.
SERDP ESTCP: Demonstration and Validation of New Non-Invasive Technology to Assess Contaminant Storage in Low Permeability Media and Rock Matrix June 2, 2022.
This webinar will feature DoD-funded research efforts to demonstrate geophysical approaches for estimating the rate coefficient governing dual-domain mass transfer (DDMT) as well as immobile porosity.
Ramona Iery (NAVFAC Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center will cover the basis for monitoring DDMT using geoelectrical measurements.
Then, Dr.
Lee Slater (Rutgers University) will talk about the team’s new borehole technology, the Mobile/Immobile Porosity Exchange Tool (MI-PET).
Finally, Dr.
Fred Day-Lewis (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) will demonstrate how geophysical methods can be used to constrain parameter estimation for DDMT.
For more information and to register please visit https://www.serdp-estcp.org/Tools-and-Training/Webinar-Series/06-02-2022 .
Spring 2022 FRTR Meeting - June 6 and 13, 2022.
The FRTR Spring 2022 Meeting will explore advances in applying artificial intelligence technologies to site cleanup.
Artificial intelligence technologies are beginning to transform how people and machines work together.
Robotics and unmanned systems provide opportunities to access dangerous or toxic environments, and improve worker safety.
Advances in machine learning are making it possible to process and analyze large data sets in new ways to support remediation decisions.
Specific objectives are: Review recent technology advances supporting site characterization and remediation, identify potential benefits, risks and limits of robotics and unmanned aerial systems to support site characterization and remediation, and discuss appropriate use of machine learning and artificial intelligence to support remediation decisions.
For more information and to register please visit https://clu-in.org/live/.
Connecting the Science to Managing LNAPL Sites a 3 Part Series - June 7 and 21, 2022.
The newly updated LNAPLs (Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids) 3-part training course series is based on the ITRC guidance: LNAPL Site Management: LCSM Evolution, Decision Process, and Remedial Technologies (LNAPL-3, 2018) and focuses on connecting the science to managing LNAPL sites and helping you: build upon your understanding of LNAPL behavior in the subsurface (Part 1), develop your LNAPL conceptual site model and LNAPL remedial goals (Part 2), and select/implement LNAPL technologies (Part 3).
After this training series, the expectation is that you will have the skills and understanding to use ITRC science-based resources to improve decision making at your LNAPL sites.
For regulators and other government agency staff, this improved understanding can hopefully be incorporated into your own LNAPL programs.
It is expected that participants will attend this 3-part training series in sequence.
For more information and to register, see https://www.itrcweb.org or https://clu-in.org/live.
Federal Facilities Online Academy: Resolving Issues before Formal Dispute - June 8, 2022, 1:00PM-3:00PM EDT (17:00-19:00 GMT).
Resolving Issues Before Formal Dispute is a two-hour webinar course that identifies less formal options to address conflict before going to dispute under a federal facility agreement.
This webinar provides project management tips and techniques to address disagreements early in the process . By taking this course, participants will achieve the following objectives: Identify factors that contribute to conflict when working with team members from different agencies; Learn how to prepare a team to handle conflict; Explore tips and techniques to improve communication and come to resolution; and, Understand when formal dispute should be considered.
For more information and to register please visit https://clu-in.org/live/.
ITRC Soil Background and Risk Assessment (SBR) - June 23, 2022, 1:00PM-2:30PM EDT (17:00-18:30 GMT).
While some state and federal agencies and other entities have guidance documents regarding soil background, there is not one comprehensive and widely accepted guidance document that summarizes the state of the science on this topic.
The Soil Background and Risk Assessment ITRC guidance document released December 2021 is intended to fill the gap by providing a comprehensive defensible framework for establishing and using soil background in risk assessments.
It focuses on the process of establishing defensible background concentrations of naturally occurring or anthropogenic ambient chemicals that can be used when performing risk assessment at contaminated sites.
The target audience for the ITRC Soil Background and Risk Assessment Guidance Document (SBR-1) includes risk assessors, risk managers, and site investigators, which may include federal, state, tribal, and various local agency employees; contractors to these agencies; as well as potentially liable parties and their consultants.
For training purposes, the ITRC Soil Background and Risk Assessment team produced four videos, two of which will be viewed during the class.
For more information and to register, see https://www.itrcweb.org or https://clu-in.org/live.
> New Documents and Web Resources

Updated Solidification/Stabilization Focus Area.
Solidification and stabilization are treatment technologies that achieve remediation goals by mixing contaminated materials with reagents that reduce leaching, and thus mobility, of the contaminants.
Rain, stormwater runoff, and groundwater flow can leach contaminants from soil, sludge, and other wastes in the environment and transport them to groundwater or nearby surface water bodies, increasing potential exposure pathways for human and ecological receptors.
The CLU-IN Solidification/Stabilization (S/S) Focus Area has been updated to reflect the current state of the science, including new screening questions for considering S/S as a remedy.
Visit the updated Focus Area at https://clu-in.org/solidification
Technology Innovation News Survey Corner.
The Technology Innovation News Survey contains market/commercialization information; reports on demonstrations, feasibility studies and research; and other news relevant to the hazardous waste community interested in technology development.
Recent issues, complete archives, and subscription information is available at https://clu-in.org/products/tins/. The following resources were included in recent issues:- A Field Method to Quantify Chlorinated Solvent Diffusion, Sorption, Abiotic and Biotic Degradation in Low Permeability Zones
- Developing PIGE into a Rapid Field-Screening Test for PFAS
- Ion Exchange Membranes and Fibers as Passive Samplers for Chemically-Diverse PFAS
- Environmental Sequence Stratigraphy (ESS) as a Remedy Optimization Tool
- Groundwater Pump and Treat System Optimization Report U.S.
DOE NNSA Pantex Plant, Texas
- Stable Carbon Isotopes for Tracing In Situ RDX Remediation
- Synergistic Reductive Dechlorination of 1,1,1-Trichloroethane and Trichloroethene and Aerobic Biodegradation of 1,4-Dioxane- Phase II
- Groundwater Chemistry, Hydrogeologic Properties, Bioremediation Potential, and Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of the Sand and Gravel Aquifer at Naval Air Station Whiting Field, Near Milton, Florida, 2015-20
- Numerical Modeling of Groundwater Flow in the Crystalline-Rock Aquifer in the Vicinity of the Savage Municipal Water-Supply Well Superfund Site, Milford, New Hampshire
- Natural Attenuation and Biostimulation for In Situ Treatment of 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)
- Bridging the Gap from Remedy-In-Place (RIP) to Response Complete (RC)
A Review of Exit Strategies and Site Closeout Challenges at Navy Clean Up Sites (TR-NAVFAC-EXWC-SH-2211 March 2022).
This Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) technical report identifies specific milestones along the path to site closeout (SC), as well as an array of approaches available to develop exit strategies.
Three Navy case studies are provided as examples of sites that have implemented successful exit strategies that resulted in SC.
View or download from https://www.navfac.navy.mil/content/dam/navfac/Specialty%20Centers/Engineering%20and%20Expeditionary%20Warfare%20Center/Environmental/Restoration/er_pdfs/t2-tools/A%20REVIEW%20OF%20EXIT%20STRATEGIES%20AND%20SITE%20CLOSEOUT%20CHALLENGES%20AT%20NAVY%20CLEANUP%20SITES%20FINAL%2028MAR22.docx.pdf .
EUGRIS Corner.
New Documents on EUGRIS, the platform for European contaminated soil and water information.
More than four resources, events, projects and news items were added to EUGRIS in May 2022.
These can be viewed at http://www.eugris.info/whatsnew.asp . Then select the appropriate month and year for the updates in which you are interested.
> Conferences and Symposia

2022 Environmental Measurement Symposium - Crystal City, VA, August 1-5, 2022.
The Environmental Measurement Symposium (EMS) is the combined meeting of the National Environmental Measurement Conference (NEMC) and the Forum on Environmental Accreditation.
The theme of the 2022 conference is Where Do We Go From Here? The Conference will include: a Technical Program featuring oral and poster presentations, a special half-day general session with a keynote speaker focused on the conference theme and updates from EPA program offices, special keynote presentations on the conference theme, and luncheon presentations; an Exhibit Program showcasing the latest innovations in environmental monitoring; and an Innovative New Technology Showcase.
For more information, please visit https://www.envirosymposium.group/index.php
2022 National Brownfields Training Conference - Oklahoma City, OK, August 16-19, 2022.
The National Brownfields Training Conference is the largest event in the nation focused on environmental revitalization and economic redevelopment.
Held every two years, the National Brownfields Conference attracts over 2,000 stakeholders in brownfields redevelopment and cleanup to share knowledge about sustainable reuse and celebrate the EPA brownfields program's success.
Whether you're a newcomer or a seasoned professional, Brownfields 2021 offers something for you! For more information, please visit https://brownfields2022.org/
27th National Tanks Conference & Exposition - Pittsburgh, PA, September 13-15, 2022.
NEIWPCC is co-sponsoring the conference in partnership with U.S.
EPA’s Office of Underground Storage Tanks (OUST) and the Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials (ASTSWMO).
Anticipated topics of the plenary sessions and posters include innovative cleanup technologies and approaches to address leaking underground storage tanks (LUSTs), such as green remediation and high resolution site characterization tools; development of LUST conceptual site models addressing emerging contaminants; and alternative fuels stored in underground storage tanks.
For more information, please visit https://neiwpcc.org/our-programs/underground-storage-tanks/national-tanks-conference/
NOTE: For TechDirect, we prefer to concentrate mainly on new documents and the Internet live events.
However, we do support an area on CLU-IN where announcement of conferences and courses can be regularly posted.
We invite sponsors to input information on their events at https://clu-in.org/courses . Likewise, readers may visit this area for news of upcoming events that might be of interest.
It allows users to search events by location, topic, time period, etc.
If you have any questions regarding TechDirect, contact Jean Balent at (202) 566-0832 or balent.jean@epa.gov. Remember, you may subscribe, unsubscribe or change your subscription address at https://clu-in.org/techdirect at any time night or day.
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