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TechDirect's purpose is to identify new technical, policy and guidance resources related to the assessment and remediation of contaminated soil, sediments and groundwater.
Mention of non-EPA documents or presentations does not constitute a U.S. EPA endorsement of their contents, only an acknowledgment that they exist and may be relevant to the TechDirect audience.
> Funding Opportunities
2020-2021 Small Business Innovation Research Open Solicitation.
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as part of its Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, is seeking proposals from the small business community to develop novel environmental technologies in the multiple areas areas such as Land Revitalization - Innovative technologies that destroy PFAS in soil, sediment, water and groundwater.
This solicitation will be open to submissions until August 28, 2020.
For more information, see https://www.epa.gov/sbir/sbir-funding-opportunities.
> Upcoming Live Internet Seminars
Most Common Game Animals in the US and Information on Intakes, Habitation, Hunt Frequency, and Human Consumption - July 13, 2020, 3:00 PM-4:30 PM EDT (19:00-20:30 GMT).
This webinar will describe the process and results from a research project, completed through an internship with the US EPA, concerning an issues that arises when assessing risks from contamination at Superfund sites.
This research project analyzed what are the most common game animals for hunting and fishing in the US, and their respective intakes (fodder or prey, water ingestion, and soil ingestion) and information on human ingestion rates by persons hunting or fishing.
A summary of this effort along with the resulting paper will be highlighted in this webinar.
For more information and to register, see https://clu-in.org/live.
Power and Pollinators: Pollinator-Friendly Landscapes for Solar Facilities - July 15, 2020, 1:00PM-2:30PM EDT (17:00-18:30 GMT).
Are you interested in learning how to beautify your solar site and promote pollinator habitat? The Power and Pollinators webinar will examine how planting for pollinators on RE-Powering sites benefits cleaning up contaminated sites while beautifying communities.
Planting for pollinators can help protect caps, control runoff, and provide habitat for struggling pollinator communities.
The webinar explores the relationship between solar installations, contaminated lands and landfills, and pollinators.
The Commonwealth of Virginia will discuss how the solar power industry has an extraordinary opportunity to impact the landscape by encouraging native plants at solar facilities.
Solar facilities located on brownfields, landfills and other contaminated lands present a unique opportunity to benefit the local community by cleaning up the property and redeveloping the site according to the community's goals.
The Commonwealth will highlight the Virginia Pollinator-Smart Solar Program which is designed to provide incentives and tools for solar industry to adopt a native plant strategy to meet soil and water control regulations, community needs, and the needs of our biosphere.
Consultants VHB and Fresh Energy will share their knowledge and expertise of this growing trend and benefits to communities, developers and pollinators.
EPA will present case studies and expertise related to renewable energy on underutilized lands.
For more information and to register, see https://clu-in.org/live.
PFAS Fate, Transport and Treatment - July 23, 2020, 12:00PM EDT (16:00 GMT).
SERDP and ESTCP will host this webinar on approaches to better characterize PFAS fate and transport in the subsurface, as well as a novel technology for PFAS treatment.
First, Dr.
Linda M.
Abriola (Tufts University) will discuss experimental, mathematical modeling and decision tool development efforts to better understand the processes controlling PFAS fate and transport in the subsurface.
Second, Dr.
Timothy Strathmann (Colorado School of Mines) will summarize his research efforts to develop a novel technology to treat PFAS in water and other high moisture content wastes.For more information and to register, see please visit https://serdp-estcp.org/Tools-and-Training/Webinar-Series/07-23-2020.
Collaborating with Colleges and Universities for Redevelopment Opportunities - July 29, 2020, 2:00PM-3:30PM EDT (18:00-19:30 GMT).
The College/Underserved Community Partnership Program (CUPP) provides a creative approach by partnering and delivering technical assistance from local colleges and universities to small underserved communities at no cost to the communities.
EPA Region 4 has successfully collaborated with colleges and universities to assist communities in pursuing redevelopment opportunities and plans at sites in the Region.
This webinar will share best practices and lessons learned as well as share the perspectives of the partnered colleges and universities.
For more information and to register, see https://clu-in.org/live.
Federal Facilities Online Academy - August 3 & September 14, 2020.
This voluntary training program has been developed for EPA RPMs, project managers from other federal agencies, State government, and Tribal groups who work on federal facility Superfund cleanups.
Please consider participating in all 12 courses, 11 Webinars and 1 In-Person Training, to obtain a certificate upon completion of the entire Federal Facility Academy series.
For more information and to register for upcoming sessions or view archived sessions, see https://trainex.org/offeringslist.cfm?courseid=1819.
> New Documents and Web Resources
New Focus Area: Horizontal Remediation Wells.
Horizontal remediation wells (HRWs) are installed below ground parallel to the ground surface or at a shallow angle using horizontal directional drilling (HDD).
HRWs offer an alternative to the installation of conventional vertical wells or trenching, particularly where access to soil and groundwater contamination is impeded by surface or near-surface obstructions.
HRWs have been used to sample and treat contamination beneath buildings, utility lines, roads, railyards, airport runways, landfills, tank farms, surface water bodies, and sensitive ecological areas.
Because of the setback distance, drilling and well installation can occur without interrupting activities at active facilities.
View and use at https://clu-in.org/hrw
Technical Report: In Situ Activated Carbon Case Study Review.
Activated carbon (AC)-based amendments can be applied for the in situ remediation of a wide range of organic contaminants in groundwater.
These amendments combine AC for enhanced sequestration of the contaminants, along with chemical or biological additives that promote further contaminant destruction.
Rapid contaminant removal and limited rebound have been reported during field applications, which suggests a potential role for the technology in addressing back diffusion from residual sources in low permeability zones.
This white paper describes the types of amendments available, the contaminants treated, and provides lessons learned from DOD case studies.
(September 2019, 27 pages).
View or download at https://clu-in.org/NAVFAC-In-Situ-Activated-Carbon
Technology Innovation News Survey Corner.
The Technology Innovation News Survey contains market/commercialization information; reports on demonstrations, feasibility studies and research; and other news relevant to the hazardous waste community interested in technology development.
Recent issues, complete archives, and subscription information is available at https://clu-in.org/products/tins/. The following resources were included in recent issues: - NRC Alaska, LLC Moose Creek Facility Thermal Remediation of PFAS-Contaminated Soil
- Fourth Five-Year Review Report for Crossley Farm Superfund Site Berks County, Pennsylvania
- Montrose and Del Amo Superfund Sites Groundwater Treatment Plan Update
- Montrose Superfund Site Los Angeles, California Final Electrical Resistance Heating (ERH) Pilot Test Report
- Advances in the Treatment of 1,4-Dioxane in Mixed Contaminant Plumes
- Naval Facilities Engineering Command 2020 Remediation Innovative Technology Seminar (RITS)
- Final Corrective Action Decision: Former Schilling Air Force Base Site Salina, Kansas
- Evaluation of Legacy and Emerging Organic Chemicals using Passive Sampling Devices on the North Branch Au Sable River near Lovells, Michigan, June 2018
- Final Twelve Month Post Injection Sampling Report Bioremediation Pilot Study for Operable Unit 3 (OU 3) Building 780 NAS Jacksonville FL
- Approach for Assessing PFAS Risk to Threatened and Endangered Species
- Munitions Response Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Guidance
- Tri-Service Environmental Risk Assessment Workgroup: Vapor Intrusion Fact Sheets
- Repeatable Multilevel Groundwater Sampling
- Environmental Statistics
EUGRIS Corner.
New Documents on EUGRIS, the platform for European contaminated soil and water information.
More than six resources, events, projects and news items were added to EUGRIS in June 2020.
These can be viewed at http://www.eugris.info/whatsnew.asp . Then select the appropriate month and year for the updates in which you are interested.
> Conferences and Symposia
ASTSWMO 2020 RCRA Corrective Action Conference - Lexington, KY, September 1-3, 2020.
The Conference will feature the theme, "RCRA Corrective Action: 2020 and The Road Ahead", to acknowledge 2020 as the milestone year for achieving RCRA corrective action goals and the work that remains beyond 2020.
Session topics will reflect the theme.
On September 1, the Conference will be open only to State and Territorial (State) members and EPA Headquarters and Regional staff for discussions of regulators' issues.
On September 2-3, ASTSWMO is pleased to invite, in addition to State members and EPA, officials from the U.S.
Department of Defense (DoD) and other federal government agencies, industry, and other entities.
For more information and to register, see http://astswmo.org/event/astswmo-2020-rcra-corrective-action-conference/.
NOTE: For TechDirect, we prefer to concentrate mainly on new documents and the Internet live events.
However, we do support an area on CLU-IN where announcement of conferences and courses can be regularly posted.
We invite sponsors to input information on their events at https://clu-in.org/courses . Likewise, readers may visit this area for news of upcoming events that might be of interest.
It allows users to search events by location, topic, time period, etc.
If you have any questions regarding TechDirect, contact Jean Balent at (703) 603-9924 or balent.jean@epa.gov. Remember, you may subscribe, unsubscribe or change your subscription address at https://clu-in.org/techdirect at any time night or day.
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