Passive (no purge) Samplers
Diffusion Samplers
Diffusion samplers (also called equilibrium samplers) are devices that rely on the analytes to reach equilibrium between the sampler and the groundwater via diffusion. Samples are time-weighted toward conditions at the sampling point during the latter portion of the deployment period. The degree of weighting depends on analyte and device-specific diffusion rates. Typically, conditions during only the last few days of sampler deployment are represented (ITRC 2006). Depending upon the contaminant of concern, equilibration times range from a few days to several weeks (ITRC 2006).
As a time and cost saving approach, passive diffusion bag samplers constructed of low density polyethylene (LDPE) have been left in wells for quarters at a time. After the first collection event, a new set of samplers is deployed. These samplers are collected and replaced at the next scheduled collection time (Vroblesky 2001). Regenerated-cellulose dialysis membrane samplers, however, should be collected within three to four weeks of deployment, as they are prone to biological attack and damage (ITRC 2006).
In some wells, vertical uniformity in VOC concentrations is observed in the screened interval under field conditions. The lack of stratification may be due to in-well diffusive mixing (Britt and Tunks 2003), vertical flow in the well, or thermally induced convection cells in the well (Vroblesky and others, 2009). In these wells, passive samplers likely will show relatively uniform concentrations across the screened interval. In other wells, however, stratification in well screens is observed under natural conditions. The source of this stratification may include such factors as vertical differences in contaminant concentrations outside the well screen, vertical flow through a portion of the well screen, density contrasts, and, in wells screened at the water table, volatilization loss at the air/water interface. Multiple passive samplers deployed along the saturated screened interval or open borehole of these wells can provide information on the vertical distribution of contaminants within the well. When the stratification reflects aquifer stratification or zones of inflowing contamination, the information can assist in locating the zones of highest concentrations.
The interval that is investigated depends upon the length of the sampler, which can vary from 2-3 inches (e.g., nylon screen sampler and passive vapor diffusion sampler) to feet (e.g., passive diffusion bag sampler and regenerated-cellulose dialysis membrane sampler). Vroblesky (2001) recommends that the vertical distribution of contaminants be determined in wells having 10-ft-long well screens, and that both the vertical distribution of contaminants and the potential for intra-borehole flow be determined in wells having screens longer than 10 ft.
The decision to deploy diffusion samplers should be made on a well-by-well basis. Sites where demonstrations have been held are given at the end of each sampler discussion.
Depending upon sampler design, diffusion samplers also have been used to sample VOCs, SVOCs, and inorganic contaminants in groundwater discharging to surface water (Lyford 2000, Zimmerman 2005, Church 2002). The point where a contaminant plume discharges in a surface water's sediments is not always apparent, and these samplers can aid in determining the location and potential for ecological damage. More information on sediment sampling can be found in the Sediments focus area.
Thorough Mixing of Contaminant Stringers in Monitoring Wells Demonstrated in Sand Tank Ground Water Model: Results Support Expanded Use of No-Purge Sampling Techniques
Britt, S. L., and J. Tunks
Proceedings of the NGWA Conference on Remediation: Site Closure and the Total Cost of Cleanup, New Orleans, November 13-14, 2003
Nylon-Screen Passive Diffusion Samplers (NSPDS)
System Components and Operation
Nylon screen passive diffusion samplers are constructed using polypropylene wide-mouth bottles, a ring style cap, and an appropriate size square of nylon mesh screen. The bottles are immersed in deionized water (or organic-free deionized water if organics are target compounds), a sheet of nylon is placed over the mouth, and the cap is screwed on. They can be deployed singly or stacked in a polyethylene mesh bag.
Nylon Screen Secured on (A) Open-Top Jar, and (B) Three Jars in Low-Density Polyethylene Mesh (Source: Vroblesky 2002)
Vroblesky et al. (2002) found that nylon screen samplers (mesh 125 and 250µ) reached equilibrium with cations and anions in water within 20.5 hours. Mesh size might affect the equilibration of some cations and anions in the samplers (Vroblesky et al. 2002 and 2003). The direction the bottles are facing can also affect their function. Work by Webster et al (1998) as cited in Vroblesky et al. (2002) indicated that samplers facing down in water having an high ionic strength failed to equilibrate due to density differences in the sampler and ambient water. An orientation with the sampler membrane facing the well screen was preferred. For 2-inch wells where the horizontal deployment is not possible and the water is not strongly ionic, Vroblesky et al. (2002) orients the bottles downward. The stated purpose of this orientation was to minimize mixing of water in the samplers with shallower well water during sampler recovery.
Target Analytes
While much of the published work with this sampler has examined cations, anions, and general groundwater parameters (e.g., dissolved oxygen), it should be suitable for most contaminants of concern. As cited in ITRC (2006), equilibration studies conducted in 2003 of nylon screen samplers collecting VOCs (benzene; tetrachloroethene, trichloroethene, and 1,4-dioxane) and inorganic constituents (perchlorate, chloride, arsenic, and iron) indicated excellent diffusion from the test jars into the sampler water, with equilibration generally achieved in 24 hours. Note that a literature search did not find any citations that reference a nylon screen sampler being used for SVOC collection.
Estimated commercial cost is approximately $40 to $50 each (ITRC 2006).
Demonstration Sites
Evaluation of Passive Diffusion Bag Samplers, Dialysis Samplers, and Nylon-Screen Samplers in Selected Wells at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, March-April 2002
Vroblesky, Don, Manish Joshi, Jeffrey Morrell, and J E. Peterson
USGS, Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4157, 36 pp, 2003
Field Tests of Diffusion Samplers for Inorganic Constituents in Wells and
at a Ground-Water-Discharge Zone
Vroblesky, Don A., Matthew D. Petkewich, and Ted R. Campbell
USGS, Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4031, 31 pp, 2002
Field Tests of Nylon-Screen Diffusion Samplers and Pushpoint Samplers for Detection of Metals in Sediment Pore Water, Ashland and Clinton, Massachusetts, 2003
Zimmerman, Marc, Don A. Vroblesky, Kimberly W. Campo, Andrew J. Massey, and Walter Scheible
USGS, Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5155, 56 pp, 2005
Passive Vapor Diffusion Samplers
System Components and Operation
Passive Vapor Diffusion Samplers (PVDs) can be constructed or purchased commercially. They consist of an uncapped volatile organic analysis (VOA) vial (generally 40 ml) surrounded by a 2 to 3 mil, sealed, low density polyethylene (LDPE) bag drawn tightly across the mouth of the vial. The vial and bag are placed into a second sealed LDPE bag, which prevents the inner bag from coming in contact with sediments (Church et al. 2002).
PVDs are primarily used as a reconnaissance tool for detecting volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in groundwater discharge to surface water bodies. In shallow water they are typically placed by shovel or auger 0.5 to 1.5 feet below the bottom sediment of the surface water. In deeper water, a drive point approach can be used (Church et al. 2002). Ideally, the samplers should be buried at the bottom of the transition zone from surface water to groundwater to ensure that the sample collected represents VOCs in groundwater (Church et al. 2002).
Another issue in placing the samplers is to ensure they are in a part of the surface water that is a gaining reach. Church et al. (2002) provides a description of the various methods that can be used to determine what reaches of a stream are gaining.
After samplers are buried in VOC-contaminated pore water in the bottom sediment of surface-water bodies, an equilibrium begins to develop between VOC concentrations in water and the air in the vial. Equilibrium times, which are dependent on many factors such as hydraulic conductivity of the sediment and temperature of the pore water, generally range from one to three weeks (Church et al. 2002).
After retrieval, the air in the vial is tested by GC or GC/MS. Vapor-phase concentrations in the vial are typically reported in parts per billion by volume (ppbv). In theory, these vapor concentrations can be converted to concentrations in water through Henry's Law and Henry's Law constants for specific chemicals. In practice, however, uncertainties about Henry's Law constants, pore water temperatures, equilibration times for various types of sediments, and analytical precision limit this application (Church et al. 2002).
The results of a PVD survey provide insights about contaminant distributions and groundwater-flow patterns in discharge areas, and can be used to guide the design of more expensive and precise focused characterization activities.
Target Analytes
The PVD sampler can be used for most VOCs. Table 1 presents some detection limits obtained from field deployments in New England.
diffusion samplers at contaminated ground water discharge areas in New England
Volatile Organic Compound | Range of minimum reporting limits, in parts per billion by volume |
Benzene | 6 to 25 |
Ethylbenzene | 40 to 90 |
Meta/para Xylene | 40 to 90 |
Ortho-Xylene | 60 to 100 |
Toluene | 20 to 40 |
Tetrachloroethene | 5 to 25 |
Trichloroethene | 5 to 25 |
Chlorobenzene | 40 to 70 |
Cis-Dichloroethene | 25 (a target compound at only one site) |
1,1,1-Trichloroethane | 8 (a target compound at only one site) |
Source: Church et al. 2002 |
Since the diffusion media is the same, PVD samplers should behave similarly to LDPE diffusion bag samplers. Research done on the bag samplers indicates that they are most useful for sampling non-polar organic compounds (ITRC 2006). Vroblesky (2001) reports that LDPE bags are not effective for acetone, methyl tert-butyl ether, and styrene.
Advantages (after Church et al. 2002)
Limitations (after Church et al. 2002)
PVD samplers can be purchased for less than $10.00 (ITRC 2006).
Demonstration Sites
Delineation of Discharge Areas of Two Contaminant Plumes by Use of Diffusion Samplers, Johns Pond, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 1998
Savoie, J., D.LeBlanc, D.Blackwood, T. McCobb, R. Rendigs, and S. Clifford
USGS, Water Resources Investigations Report 00-4017, 33 pp, 2000
Field Tests of Polyethylene-Membrane Diffusion Sampler for Characterizing Volatile Organic Compounds in Stream-Bottom Sediments, Nyanza Chemical Waste Dump Superfund Site, Ashland, Massachusetts
Lyford, F. P.; R. Willey, and S. Clifford
USGS, Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4108, 24 pp 2000.
System Components and Operation
Conventional peepers are small chambers with membrane or mesh walls containing either distilled water or clean water of the appropriate salinity and hardness. Samples are collected by burying the devices in sediments and allowing surrounding interstitial waters to infiltrate. In principle, dissolved solutes will diffuse through the porous wall into the peeper and the contained water will reach equilibrium with the ambient interstitial water (EPA 2001). Note: if the water to be sampled is anoxic the sampler water should be too.
The sampler can be either pushed into the sediment or, if in a cylindrical configuration, driven. If an objective of the investigation is to sample groundwater, a check should be made to ensure the sample area is in a gaining reach of the surface water. Also, several of the peepers must be placed below the groundwater to surface water transition zone to accurately represent groundwater quality. The number and closely stacked nature of the peepers will provide a profile of water quality from the groundwater through the transition zone to the surface water.
Peeper Plate Device (Source: EPA 2001)
Peeper Cylindrical Probe Device
Following initial placement, the equilibration time for peepers may range from hours to a month, but a deployment period of one to two weeks is most common. Equilibration time is a function of sediment type, study objectives, contaminants of concern, and temperature. Membrane pore size also affects equilibration time, with larger pore sizes being used to achieve reduced equilibration times (EPA 2001). Always ensure that the membrane material is compatible with the expected chemical conditions of the water.
Peeper samplers can be constructed of lexan, acrylic, teflon, stainless steel or any millable material. Material selection is a function of required depth and analytes of interest. Peeper rack sizes can vary from 5 to 100 cm in length and approximately 1 to 3 cm in depth. Peeper samplers can also be constructed as "cylinders" that have outer diameters ranging from 1 cm to 7 cm and range in length up to 4 meters (adapted from ITRC 2006).
Target Analytes
Theoretically, these samplers should be capable of monitoring most compounds (inorganic and organic) present in dissolved phases (ITRC 2006).
Advantages (Adapted from EPA 2001)
Limitations (Adapted from EPA 2001)
A commercially available peeper plate sampler is approximately $312.00 per sampler (April 2010), which consists of both the skeleton and membrane (ITRC 2006).
Monitoring Well Sampling
A demonstration of peeper technology for sampling monitoring wells took place at the former McClellan Air Force Base in 2005. Samplers were constructed using PVC well casing of 2-inch outside diameter (OD) by 2-inch-long blank (108 ml volume). The casing openings were covered with polysulfone®, a membrane that can be used in peepers, held in place by sliding a PVC coupling over the casing. The samplers were filled with purified water and tethered to a line with the plane of the membranes positioned orthogonally to horizontal groundwater flow. The samplers were deployed in 4-inch OD wells for approximately three weeks. Analysis of the sampler water indicated equivalence to low-flow sampling results for 1,4-dioxane and anions, but gave higher values for volatile organics and lower values for metals (Parsons 2005; ITRC 2006).
The 2005 report indicated that potential advantages or disadvantages of these samplers have not been quantified due to a lack of field- or bench-scale testing. A search of the literature found no other examples of this sampler construction used in groundwater monitoring wells. These samplers are easily constructed but are not commercially available.
Demonstration Sites
Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds in a Freshwater Tidal Wetland, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland
Lorah, M., L. Olsen, B. Smith, M. Johnson, and W. Fleck
USGS, Water-Resources Investigations Report 97-4171, 108 pp, 1997
Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvent Ground-Water Plumes Discharging Into Wetlands
Lorah, M., D. Burris, and L. Dyer
USGS, Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5220, 190 pp, 2005
Results Report for the Demonstration of No-Purge Groundwater Sampling Devices at Former McClellan Air Force Base, California
Parsons Inc.
USACE (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers), 79 pp, 2005
Water-Quality and Water-Level Data for a Freshwater Tidal Wetland, West Branch Canal Creek, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, October 1998-September 1999
Spencer, T., L. Olsen, M. Lorah, and M. Mount
USGS, Open-File Report 00-282, 190 pp, 2000
Constructing Simple Wetland Sampling Devices
LaForcea, M., Colleen M. Hansel and Scott Fendorf
Soil Science Society of America Journal 64:809-811, 2000
Polyethylene Diffusion Bag Samplers (PDBs)
System Components and Operation
A typical PDB sampler consists of a 1- to 2-foot long low density polyethylene (LDPE) tube closed at both ends and containing laboratory grade organic-free deionized water. The typical diameter for PDB samplers used in a 2-inch well is 1.2 to 1.75 inches (Vroblesky 2001 and ITRC 2006). These dimensions provide 200 to 350 ml of sample for multiple VOA samples and duplicates (ITRC 2006). The samplers are buoyant, so they must be weighted for deployment. They can be lowered into a well using polyester rope, stainless steel or Teflon coated stainless steel wire. For data interpretation purposes the exact location of the sampler should be known.
The effectiveness of the use of a single PDB sampler in a well is dependent on the assumption that there is horizontal flow through the well screen and that the quality of the water is representative of the ground water in the aquifer directly adjacent to the screen. If there are vertical components of intra-borehole flow, multiple intervals of the formation contributing to flow, or varying concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOC) vertically within the screened or open interval, then a multiple deployment of PDB samplers within a well might be more appropriate for sampling the well (Vroblesky 2001).
It is important that the vertical distribution of contaminants be determined in wells having 10-ft-long well screens, and that both the vertical distribution of contaminants and the potential for intra-borehole flow be determined in wells having screens longer than 10 ft (Vroblesky 2001).
After deployment, VOCs will diffuse through the polyethylene until an equilibrium is established. The amount of time that the sampler should remain in the well prior to recovery depends on the time required by the PDB sampler to equilibrate with ambient water and the time required for the environmental disturbance caused by sampler deployment to return to ambient conditions (Vroblesky 2001).This usually occurs within two weeks; however, diffusion times are chemical and temperature specific. If published data are not available for the chemical and expected site groundwater temperatures, a laboratory test is recommended to determine equilibration times (Vroblesky 2001). Also, low-yielding wells require more time to equilibrate than high-yielding wells. While an equilibration time is required before retrieving the sample, there is no set time on how long it can be left in the well. Since. Diffusion is a dynamic process and diffusion rates vary by compound; therefore, the sample in the PDB typically represents a discrete time-weighted concentration of the last several days prior to removal (ITRC 2006).
Leaving the sampler in the well between sampling times also has the potential for cost savings in long term monitoring as a sampling team need only return to the wells to collect samples at the regularly scheduled sampling times (e.g., quarterly). There is no need to place the samplers and then collect them two to three weeks later.
The suggested application of the method is for long-term monitoring of VOCs in groundwater wells at well characterized sites (Vroblesky 2001). The decision to use PDBs at a site should be done on a well-by-well basis.
PDBs also have been used to sample VOCs in groundwater discharging to surface water (Lyford 2000). Care must be taken to ensure they are placed in a gaining reach of the surface water sediment. Placement of PDBs in sediments is similar to that of passive vapor diffusion samplers. See the passive vapor diffusion samplers section for a more detailed discussion.
Target Analytes
PDBs are generally only used for nonpolar VOCs. The samplers are not appropriate for hydrophilic polar molecules, such as inorganic ions (Vroblesky 2001).
Benzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Chlorobenzene Carbon tetrachloride Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane |
2 Chlorovinyl ether Dibromochloromethane Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene |
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane cis-Dichloropropene 1,2-Dibromoethane trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Ethyl benzene Naphthalene Toluene |
1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene Vinyl chloride Total xylenes |
Source: Vroblesky 2001a |
Acetone, methyl-tertbutyl ether, and styrene did not show good laboratory correlation (Vroblesky 2001).
Advantages (Adapted from Vroblesky 2001)
Limitations (Adapted from Vroblesky 2001)
Sampler bag ~$15.00 (April 2010)
Demonstration Sites
Comparison of Diffusion- and Pumped-Sampling Methods to Monitor Volatile Organic Compounds in Ground Water, Massachusetts Military Reservation, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, July 1999-December 2002
Archfield, Stacey A. and Denis R. LeBlanc
USGS, Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5010, 60 pp, 2005
Diffusion Sampler Testing at Naval Air Station North Island, San Diego County, California, November 1999 to January 2000
Vroblesky, D. and B. Peters
USGS, Water-Resources Investigation 00-4182, 34 pp, 2000
Evaluation of Passive Diffusion Bag Samplers, Dialysis Samplers, and Nylon-Screen Samplers in Selected Wells at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, March-April 2002
Vroblesky, Don, Manish Joshi, Jeffrey Morrell, and J E. Peterson
USGS, Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4157, 36 pp, 2003
Evaluation of Passive Diffusion Bag Samplers in Selected Wells at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Louisville, Kentucky, July 1999 to January 2000
Vroblesky, D., M. Petkewich, and C. Casey
USGS, Water Resources Investigations Report 01-4163, 22 pp, 2001a
Field Tests of Polyethylene-Membrane Diffusion Samplers for Characterizing Volatile Organic Compounds in Stream-Bottom Sediments, Nyanza Chemical Waste Dump Superfund Site, Ashland, Massachusetts
Lyford, F., R.Willey, and S. Clifford
USGS, Natural Resources Investigations Report 00-4108, 24 pp, 2000
Flow-Meter and Passive Diffusion Bag Tests and Potential Influences on the Vertical Distribution of Contaminants in Wells at Galena Airport, Galena, Alaska, August to October 2002
Vroblesky, Don A. and J E. Peterson
USGS Open-File Report 2004-1241, 44 pp, 2004
Results Report for the Demonstration of No-Purge Groundwater Sampling Devices at Former McClellan Air Force Base, California
Parsons Inc.
USACE (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers), 79 pp, 2005
User's Guide for Polyethylene-Based Passive Diffusion Bag Samplers to Obtain Volatile Organic Compound Concentrations in Wells. Part 2: Field Tests
D.A. Vroblesky (ed.).
U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4061, 102 pp, 2001b
Field Sampling Procedures Manual
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, 574 pp, 2005
On LAN at samplers New Jersey Field Sampling Manual
Study of Five Discrete Interval-Type Groundwater Sampling Devices
Parker, Louise and Charles Clark
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, ERDC/CRREL TR-02-12, 57 pp, 2002
Regenerated-Cellulose Dialysis Membrane Samplers
System Components and Operation
Partially Assembled Regenerated-Cellulose Dialysis Membrane Samplers (Source: Imbrigiotta 2007)
The dialysis sampler consists of a deionized water-filled tube of high-grade regenerated-cellulose dialysis membrane inside an outer protective layer of low density polyethylene (LDPE) mesh. The sampler can have PVC pipes external to the dialysis membrane in low-ionic strength waters or an internal perforated PVC pipe to support the membrane in high ionic strength waters. The sampler can have a stopcock at one end to facilitate sample transfer. Each dialysis sampler has an attached weight to overcome its buoyancy and is suspended in a well by means of a dedicated or disposable wire or polyethylene rope. The regenerated cellulose diffusion membrane has a pore size of 18 Angstroms and a molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) of 8,000 Daltons. The sampler can be constructed using either 31.8 mm (1.25 inches) or 63.7 mm (2.5 inches) diameter membranes. The sampler volume depends on the diameter and length of the dialysis bag. The 31.8-mm (1.25- inch) diameter dialysis membrane contains a volume of 5.1 mL/cm. The 63.7-mm (2.5-inches) diameter membrane contains 31.8 mL/cm.
Regenerated Cellulose Dialysis Membrane Diffusion Sampler with Perforated PVC Pipe Support Inside the Membrane (Source: Imbrigiotta 2007) So, for example, dialysis bags 30.5 cm (12 inches) long will contain volumes of 155 mL and 969 mL for the narrow-diameter and wide-diameter membranes, respectively. Larger sample volumes can be collected using longer bags (taken directly from ITRC 2006). It is important that the vertical distribution of contaminants be determined in wells having 10-ft-long well screens, and that both the vertical distribution of contaminants and the potential for intra-borehole flow be determined in wells having screens longer than 10 ft (Vroblesky 2001).
An assembled regenerated-cellulose dialysis membrane sampler is deployed by lowering it down a well to its target screen depth. The amount of time that the sampler should be left in the well prior to recovery depends on the time required by the sampler to equilibrate with ambient water and conditions in the well to recover from any disturbance caused by sampler deployment. Laboratory tests have shown that this usually occurs within two weeks (Imbrigiotta 2007). Unlike PDB samplers, dialysis samplers should not be left in a well for an extended period and generally should be retrieved within three to four weeks, at most. Samplers left longer than this can be compromised by biological activity.
Target Analytes (from Imbrigiotta 2007)
Laboratory equilibration testing has shown that dialysis samplers equilibrate within:
Table of water quality parameters tested in the laboratory (Imbrigiotta 2007).
Advantages (from Imbrigiotta 2007)
Limitations (from Imbrigiotta 2007)
Costs (from Imbrigiotta 2007)
Total materials cost per sampler is approximately $21. Material costs include: a 2.5-in diameter by 2-ft long dialysis bag, PVC supports, outer protective mesh, stopcock, clamp, weights, and suspension rope.
Note: This constructs a 2.5-inch diameter by 2-ft long sampler suitable for use in a 4-inch diameter well. Smaller dialysis membrane (1.25-inch diameter) can be purchased to make samplers that can be used in a 2-inch diameter well. The smaller diameter dialysis membrane costs essentially the same per unit length as the larger size but holds less volume.
Demonstration Sites
Evaluation of Passive Diffusion Bag and Dialysis Samplers in Selected Wells at Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii, July 2001
Vroblesky, D. and Tasha Pravecek
USGS, Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4059, 34 pp 2002
Evaluation of Passive Diffusion Bag Samplers, Dialysis Samplers, and Nylon-Screen Samplers in Selected Wells at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, March-April 2002
Vroblesky, Don, Manish Joshi, Jeffrey Morrell, and J E. Peterson
USGS, Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4157, 36 pp, 2003
Field Tests of Diffusion Samplers for Inorganic Constituents in Wells and at a Ground-Water-Discharge Zone
Vroblesky, Don A., Matthew D. Petkewich, and Ted R. Campbell
USGS, Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4031, 31 pp, 2002
Results Report for the Demonstration of No-Purge Groundwater Sampling Devices at Former McClellan Air Force Base, California
Parsons, Inc.
USACE (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers), 79 pp, 2005
Protocol for Use of Five Passive Samplers to Sample for a Variety of Contaminants in Groundwater.
ITRC (Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council), DSP-5, 121 pp, 2007
Rigid Porous Polyethylene Samplers (RPPS)
System Components and Operation
The RPPS consists of a 1.5-inch OD, six to seven-inch-long, rigid polyethylene tube with caps on both ends. The tube is constructed from thin sheets of foam-like porous polyethylene with pore sizes of 6 to 15 microns. The sampler is filled with water free of the target analytes, capped at both ends, and placed inside a mesh liner (ITRC 2006). More recent designs use a Delrin plug for the bottom cap to reduce leakage at recovery (ITRC 2007).
Tests performed to date indicate that the maximum feasible sampler length is approximately 7.5 inches. Use of a longer sampler results in leakage of sampled water out of the sampler walls due to the higher head pressure present in the sampler (ITRC 2006). Commercially available samplers are 1.5 inches in diameter, 6 inches in length, and have a volume of approximately 100 mL.
The RPP sampler is attached to a weighted line and deployed with the plug end down so that it hangs at the desired depth of the screened interval of the well. More than one sampler can be deployed at the same well screen interval (for wells greater than 3 inches ID) or in tandem if vertical profiling is of interest (ITRC 2007). Before deployment, it is important that the vertical distribution of contaminants be determined in wells having 10-ft-long well screens, and that both the vertical distribution of contaminants and the potential for intra-borehole flow be determined in wells having screens longer than 10 ft (Vroblesky 2001).
Commercial samplers are currently supplied field-ready. They are shipped in a sealed polyethylene sleeve filled with the appropriate grade water to ensure that air does not fill the pores of the RPP (ITRC 2007). The porous polyethylene sampler pores tend to retain air even when submerged. Therefore, the air entrained in the pore space must be removed by flushing with water prior to deployment if the sampler is to be used for nonvolatile solutes. This step is not needed when sampling for volatile organic compounds (VOC) only (ITRC 2006).
The RPP should be deployed down the well as soon as possible after opening and discarding the protective sleeve to minimize exposure to the air (ITRC 2007).
Target Analytes
Testing by Columbia Analytical Services (2006) indicates that RPP samplers can be used for most metals (copper and silver appear to be exceptions); 1,4-dioxane; wet chemistry analytes; most VOCs; methane, ethane, and ethene, and some semi-volatile organic compounds (see Table for results).
Advantages (ITRC 2007)
Limitations (ITRC 2007)
The sampler (6 inch length, 1.5 inch diameter, and about 100ml volume) is available commercially for $65 (April 2010).
Demonstration Sites
Comparison of Pumped and Diffusion Sampling Methods to Monitor Concentrations of Perchlorate and Explosive Compounds in Ground Water, Camp Edwards, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2004-05
LeBlanc, D.R., and D.A. Vroblesky
USGS (U.S. Geological Survey), Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5109, 16 pp, 2008
Results Report for the Demonstration of No-Purge Groundwater Sampling Devices at Former McClellan Air Force Base, California
Parsons Inc.
USACE (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers), 79 pp, 2005
Various Bench Study Test Results of the Use of RPP
Columbia Analytical Services, Inc., Environmental Monitoring and Data Quality Workshop, April 5-7, San Antonio, TX, 11 pp, 2006.
Sampler Comparisons
Comparison of No-Purge and Pumped Sampling Methods for Monitoring Concentrations of Ordnance-Related Compounds in Groundwater, Camp Edwards, Massachusetts Military Reservation, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2009-2010
Savoie, J.G. and D.R. LeBlanc.
U.S. Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Report 2012-5084, 36 pp, 2012
Field tests to determine the utility of no-purge groundwater sampling for monitoring concentrations of RDX, HMX, and perchlorate included (1) a diffusion sampler constructed of rigid porous polyethylene, (2) a diffusion sampler constructed of regenerated-cellulose membrane, and (3) a tubular grab sampler (bailer) constructed of polyethylene film. Overall, diffusion sampling with the rigid porous polyethylene and regenerated-cellulose membranes and grab sampling with the polyethylene-film samplers provided data on the concentrations of munitions constituents in groundwater at the test site that was comparable to data obtained by low-flow pumped sampling with dedicated bladder pumps.