Passive (no purge) Samplers for Groundwater
Integrating Samplers
Theory of Operation
Integrating samplers (also called kinetic samplers) generally have a sampling frame that contains a receiving phase medium chosen for the chemicals of concern. The sampling frame acts as a barrier between the medium to be sampled and the receiving phase medium. Its materials of construction can be chosen to provide chemical selectivity to the sampler and also to determine its chemical-specific sampling rate. The chemicals of concern reach the receiving phase by diffusion or permeation through the barrier. It is important that there is sufficient receiving phase capacity to ensure that the chemicals of concern are being captured and that equilibrium conditions do not develop (i.e., the desorption or release of chemicals back into the water is negligible).
Sampling rates are used to convert the amount of chemicals found in the receiving phase into a time-averaged concentration. Sampling rates for a given sampler are determined in the laboratory for each chemical of concern. These rates can be affected by environmental factors such as water temperature, water flow rate, and potential biofouling. To compensate for potential deviations from laboratory determined rates, some practitioners spike the receiving phase with performance reference compounds (PRCs) whose offloading kinetics are similar to the uptake kinetics of the chemicals of concern. Analysis of the PRCs that remain at the end of the sampling period allow for the calculation of an offloading rate that can be used to adjust the laboratory determined sampling rate.
By sequestering (concentrating) chemicals over time, integrative samplers can provide evidence of episodic changes in concentrations that grab samples may miss. Also, since they sample a relatively large quantity of water and sequester the chemicals of concern, they have ultra low detection limits. Other advantages include:
- Easy to use.
- Good for many analytes.
- Do not require bringing gas (e.g., nitrogen, air) or electricity into the field.
- No purge water to dispose of.
Passive Sampling Techniques for Monitoring Pollutants in Water
Vrana, Branislav, Graham A. Mills, Ian J. Allan, Ewa Dominiak, Katarina Svensson, Jesper Knutsson, Gregory Morrison, and Richard Greenwood
Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 24, No. 10, 2005
Passive Sampling Techniques in Environmental Monitoring
Greenwood, R., G. Mills, and B. Vrana (eds)
Elsevier Science, 453 pp, 2007
System Components and Operation

Figure 1. Chemcatcher® sampler, retaining ring, and transport lid (Courtesy: Professor Richard Greenwood)
While Chemcatcher® has been deployed primarily for measuring contaminants in surface water, it has the potential to be deployed in monitoring wells with inside diameters greater than 6.5 cm. The device consists of a 5.5 cm wide and 1.8 cm thick platform for holding the receiving phase and diffusion limiting membrane, a retaining ring to secure the receiving phase and membrane, and a lid for use during transport.
The receiving phases are 47 mm extraction disks (Empore™ disks, 3M Corporation). When metals are the target contaminant, a disk containing a chelating resin in combination with a cellulose acetate membrane is employed. For polar organics, a disk containing a polymeric phase and a polyethersulfone membrane is employed. For non-polar organics, a C18 phase disk (loaded with n-octanol) and a low density polyethylene (LDPE) membrane is used. The disks may require some preparation before deployment (Greenwood 2010).
The device may be deployed in a well by tethering (e.g., polyethylene mesh bag) it to a line of appropriate length and lowering to the desired point in the screened interval or open borehole. Stacking is also possible. Note that a literature search did not find an example of the device being used in a monitoring well and well flow dynamics may not be favorable for its use.
Target Analytes
The Chemcatcher® can be used to sample both polar and non-polar organics as well as metals. The most prominent chemical classes found in the literature are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), pesticides, chlorobenzenes, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organotins, and polybrominated biphenylethers (De La Cal et al. 2008, Allan et al. 2007, Aguilar-Martínez et al. 2009, and El-Shenawy et al. 2010).
- Can achieve low detection limits.
- Does not have sample volume issues.
- Receiving phase immobilized in Empore™ disk, and so easy to insert in body prior to deployment, and to remove and handle after deployment.
- Extraction can be carried out in standard vacuum manifold for Empore™ disks.
- Extracts of receiving phase post deployment require little or no clean up before analysis.
- Can sample both polar and non-polar organic chemicals as well as most metals.
- Does not require electricity or other support.
- Sampler body re-usable.
- One licensed vendor.
- Sampling rate for target contaminants must be determined.
- Integrator window varies by compound (for accurate concentrations the uptake rate must remain linear).
- Water flux is needed to make environmental adjustments to laboratory determined sampling rates (improve accuracy).
- Does not provide water quality parameters and inorganic (non-metals) data.
- May be subject to biofouling when deployed for extended period of time (Allan 2009).
- Commercially available equipment is not designed for 5 cm monitoring wells.
- Requires two trips; one for deployment, one for retrieval.
The sampler with membranes to sample metals, polar, and non-polar contaminants cost about $38.00 plus shipping and handling. The receiving phase disks are available from 3M Corporation in packages of 60 (chelating $796.72; C18 $595.79; and SDB-RPS (polymeric)) $732.98.
Demonstration Sites
Application of Chemcatcher Passive Sampler for Monitoring Levels of Mercury in Contaminated River Water (Abstract)
Aguilar-Martínez R, M. Gómez-Gómez, R. Greenwood, G. Mills, B. Vrana, and M. Palacios-Corvillo
Talanta; 77(4), p 1483-9, 2009
Field Performance of the Chemcatcher Passive Sampler for Monitoring Hydrophobic Organic Pollutants in Surface Water (Abstract)
Vrana B, G. Mills, P. Leonards, M. Kotterman, M. Weideborg, J. Hajslová, V. Kocourek, M. Tomaniová, J. Pulkrabová, M. Suchanová, K. Hájková, S. Herve, H. Ahkola, and R. Greenwood
J Environ Monit. 12(4), p 863-72, 2010
Application of Chemcatcher Passive Sampler for Monitoring Levels of Mercury in Contaminated River Water (Abstract)
Aguilar-Martínez, Rocío, M. Milagros Gómez-Gómez, Richard Greenwood, Graham A Mills, Branislav Vrana, María A Palacios-Corvillo
Talanta,77(4), p 1483-9, 2009 Feb 15
Comparing the Passive and Active Sampling Devices with Biomonitoring of Pollutants in Langstone and Portsmouth Harbour, UK (Abstract)
El-Shenawy, N.S., Z.I. Nabil, I.M. Abdel-Nabi and R. Greenwood
Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Volume 3 Issue 1, p 1-17, 2010
Evaluation of the Aquatic Passive Sampler Chemcatcher for the Monitoring of Highly Hydrophobic Compounds in Water (Abstract)
De La Cal, A., M. Kuster; M. Lopez De Aida; E. Eljarrat; and D. Barcelo
Talanta, vol. 76, No 2, p 327-332, 2008
Field Performance of Seven Passive Sampling Devices for Monitoring of Hydrophobic Substances (Abstract)
Allan, Ian J., Kees Booij, Albrecht Paschke, Branislav Vrana, Graham A. Mills, and Richard Greenwood
Environ. Sci. Technol., 43 (14), p 5383-5390, 2009
Personal Communication
William Myers with Professor Richard Greenwood June 18, 2010 and with Professor Graham Mills August 5, 2010.
Assessment of Chemcatcher Passive Sampler for the Monitoring of Inorganic Mercury and Organotin Compounds in Water (Abstract)
Aguilar-Martínez, R., R. Greenwood, G.A. Mills, B. Vrana, M.A. Palacios-Corvillo, and M.M. Gómez-Gómez
Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem. 88, p 75-90, 2008
Calibration and Use of the Chemcatcher® Passive Sampler for Monitoring Organotin Compounds in Water (Abstract)
Aguilar-Martínez, R., M.A. Palacios-Corvillo, R. Greenwood, G.A. Mills, B. Vrana, and M.M. Gómez-Gómez
Analytica Chimica Acta. 618, p 157-167, 2008
Calibration of the Chemcatcher Passive Sampler for the Monitoring of Priority Organic Pollutants in Water (Abstract)
Vrana, B., G.A. Mills, E. Dominiak, and R. Greenwood
Environmental Pollution, 142, p 333-343, 2006
Chemcatcher® and DGT Passive Sampling Devices for Regulatory Monitoring of Trace Metals in Surface Water (Abstract)
Allan, I.J., J. Knutsson, N. Guigues, G.A. Mills, A-M. Fouillac, and R. Greenwood
Journal of Environmental Monitoring 10, p 821-829, 2008
Effect of Housing Geometry on the Performance of Chemcatcher® Passive Sampler for the Monitoring of Hydrophobic Organic Pollutants in Water (Abstract)
Lobpreis, Tomá, Branislav Vrana, Ewa Dominiak, Katarína Dercová, Graham A. Mills and Richard Greenwood
Environmental Pollution Volume 153, Issue 3, p 706-710, June 2008
Field Performance of the Chemcatcher Passive Sampler for Monitoring Hydrophobic Organic Pollutants in Surface Water (Abstract)
Vrana, Branislav, et al.
Journal of Environmental Monitoring,Vol 12, p 863-72, 2010
Modeling and Field Application of the Chemcatcher Passive Sampler Calibration Data for the Monitoring of Hydrophobic Organic Pollutants in Water (Abstract)
Vrana, Branislav, Graham A. Mills, Michiel Kotterman, Pim Leonards, Kees Booij and Richard Greenwood
Environmental Pollution Volume 145, Issue 3, p 895-904, February 2007
Passive Sampling Combined with Ecotoxicological and Chemical Analysis of Pharmaceuticals and Biocides: Evaluation of three Chemcatcher™ Configurations (Abstract)
Vermeirssenn, Etiënne L.M., Nadine Bramaz, Juliane Hollender, Heinz Singer, and Beate Escher
Water Research, p 903-919, 2009
Passive Sampling Techniques in Environmental Monitoring
Greenwood, R., G. Mills, and B. Vrana
Elsevier Science, 453 pp, 2007
Performance Optimisation of a Passive Sampler for Monitoring Hydrophobic Pollutants in Water (Abstract)
Vrana, B., G. Mills, R. Greenwood, J. Knutsson, K. Svensson, and G.M. Morrison
J. Environ. Monit., 7, 612-620, 2005
Short-Term Exposure Testing of Six Different Passive Samplers for the Monitoring of Hydrophobic Contaminants in Water (Abstract)
Allan, I.J., K. Booij., A. Paschke, B. Vrana, G.A. Mills, and R. Greenwood
J. Environ. Monit., 12, p 696-703, 2010
Time Integrative Passive Sampling: How Well Do Chemcatchers Integrate Fluctuating Pollutant Concentrations (Abstract)
Shaw, Melanie and Jochen F. Mueller
Environ. Sci. Technol., 43 (5), p 1443-1448, 2009
Enviroflux Passive Flux Meter (PFM)
System Components and Operation
The PFM is a self-contained permeable unit (nylon mesh tube) that is inserted into a well or boring such that it intercepts groundwater flow but does not retain it. The interior composition of the meter is a matrix of hydrophobic and hydrophilic permeable sorbents that retain dissolved organic and inorganic contaminants present in fluid intercepted by the unit. The sorbent matrix is also impregnated with known amounts of one or more fluid soluble "resident tracers." These tracers are leached from the sorbent at rates proportional to the fluid flux (ESTCP 2006d). The permeable unit should be the same length as the screened interval.
After a specified period of exposure to groundwater flow, the flux meter is removed from the well or boring. Next, the sorbent is carefully extracted to quantify the mass of all contaminants intercepted by the flux meter and the residual masses of all resident tracers. The contaminant masses are used to calculate cumulative and time-averaged contaminant mass fluxes, while residual resident tracer masses are used to calculate cumulative or time-average fluid flux. Depth variations of both water and contaminant fluxes can be measured in an aquifer from a single flux meter by vertically segmenting the exposed sorbent packing, and analyzing for resident tracers and contaminants. Thus, at any specific well depth, an extraction from the locally exposed sorbent yields the mass of resident tracer remaining and the mass of contaminant intercepted. Note that multiple tracers with a range of partitioning coefficients are used to determine variability in groundwater flow with depth that could range over orders of magnitude. This data is used to estimate local cumulative water and contaminant fluxes (taken directly from ESTCP 2007). Key design criteria for the PFM are available below.
Key Design Criteria for the Flux Meter
Parameter | Comments |
Sampling Period1 | The specified duration of continuous flux measurements |
Sorbent | Must be resistant to microbial degradation |
Retardation Factors of Resident Tracers | A suite of tracers are needed such that residual mass of one or more exists at the end of the sampling period, given the range of potential groundwater flows. |
Contaminant Retardation Factor | Retardation factors should be sufficiently high to retain the contaminant on the sorbent. |
Inside Radius of the Well Screen | If a well screen exists |
Outside Radius of the Well Screen | If a well screen exists |
Inside Radius of the Well | If no well screen exists |
Permeability of the Well Screen | It is desirable that the screen be at least 6 times more permeable than the most permeable zone of the aquifer |
Permeability of Sorbent | It is desirable that the sorbent be at least 36 times more permeable than the permeable zone of the aquifer |
Maximum Permeability of the Aquifer | Of the aquifer zones being interrogated |
Minimum Permeability of the Aquifer | Of the aquifer zones being interrogated |
Source: ESTCP 2007
1 Typically 3 days to 1 month (Verreydt 2010) |
Provided well construction does not cause a change in groundwater gradient and there is no naturally occurring vertical gradient, the measurement of flux at a given screen segment should represent aquifer conditions opposite the screen (Vroblesky 2001).
Target Analytes
Successful demonstrations of the technology focused on tetrachloroethene, trichloroethene, dichloroethene, vinyl chloride, ethylene, methyl tertiary butyl ether, and perchlorate. However, since the sorbent is chosen to match the chemical properties of the contaminants of concern, the method should apply to many other chemicals. Activated charcoal was the sorbent of choice for these demonstrations.
- Provides an estimate of both ground water and contaminant fluxes.
- Different sorbents can be used, making it good for most analytes.
- Does not require bringing gas (e.g., nitrogen, air) or electricity into the field.
- No purge water to dispose of.
- With regulatory approval, flux measurements can be used for process control, remedial action performance assessments, and compliance monitoring.
- Releases of resident tracers into the groundwater that may require regulatory approval.
- For measurements taken in excess of 60 meters, the current PFM design can be difficult to implement (ESTCP 2007).
- In very heterogeneous aquifers the number of wells and hence PFMs needed to provide adequate flux assessments will increase (ESTCP 2007).
- Only measures contaminants passing through well screen (as opposed to integral pumping tests which draw water from around the wells).
- Must be retrieved before resident tracers are exhausted.
- Sampler may be site or well specific, ideally, one should know enough about the aquifer being sampled to supply the Key Design Criteria when ordering sampler.
The ESTCP (2007) report estimates a cost of $202 to $404 per linear foot of screened interval. This cost includes materials, mobilization/demobilization, disposal expenses, and analytical services. For specific breakdown see Table.
Demonstration Sites
Field Demonstration and Validation of a New Device for Measuring Water and Solute Fluxes
ESTCP (Environmental Security Technology Certification Program), Cost and Performance Report ER-0114, 47 pp, 2007
Field Demonstration and Validation of a New Device for Measuring Water and Solute Fluxes at CFB Borden
ESTCP (Environmental Security Technology Certification Program), 152 pp, 2006a
Field Demonstration and Validation of a New Device for Measuring Groundwater and Perchlorate Fluxes at IHDIV-NSWC, Indian Head, MD
ESTCP (Environmental Security Technology Certification Program), 138 pp, 2006b
Field Demonstration and Validation of a New Device for Measuring Water and Solute Fluxes NASA LC-34 SITE
ESTCP (Environmental Security Technology Certification Program), 172 pp, 2006c
Field Demonstration and Validation of a New Device for Measuring Water and Solute Fluxes at Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC), Port Hueneme, CA
ESTCP (Environmental Security Technology Certification Program), 112 pp, 2006d
Oxyanion Flux Characterization Using Passive Flux Meters: Development and Field Testing of Surfactant-Modified Granular Activated Carbon
Leea, Jimi, P.S.C. Rao, I. C. Poyera, R. M. Toolea, M.D. Annable, and K. Hatfield
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 92 (2007) 208-229
Field Demonstration and Validation of a New Device for Measuring Water and Solute Fluxes
ESTCP (Environmental Security Technology Certification Program), Cost and Performance Report ER-0114, 47 pp, 2007
Field Demonstration and Validation of a New Device for Measuring Water and Solute Fluxes at Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC), Port Hueneme, CA
ESTCP (Environmental Security Technology Certification Program), 112 pp, 2006d
User's Guide for Polyethylene-Based Passive Diffusion Bag Samplers to Obtain Volatile Organic Compound Concentrations in Wells. Part 1: Deployment, Recovery, Data Interpretation, and Quality Control and Assurance
D.A. Vroblesky.
U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4060, 25 pp, 2001
Field-Scale Evaluation of the Passive Flux Meter for Simultaneous Measurement of Groundwater and Contaminant Fluxes
Annable, M., K. Hatfield, J. Cho, H. Klammler, B. Parker, J. Cherry, and P.S.C. Rao
Environ. Sci. Technol., 39 (18), pp 7194-720, 2005
Magnitude and Directional Measures of Water and Cr(VI) Fluxes by Passive Flux Meter
Campbell, T., K. Hatfield, H. Klammler, M. Annable, and P. S.C. Rao
Environ. Sci. Technol. 40, pp 6392-6397, 2006
Oxyanion Flux Characterization Using Passive Flux Meters: Development and Field Testing of Surfactant-Modified Granular Activated Carbon
Lee, Jimi, P.S.C. Rao, I. C. Poyer, R. M. Toole, M.D. Annable, and K. Hatfield
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 92 (2007) 208-229
Passive Flux Meter Measurement of Water and Nutrient Flux in Saturated Porous Media: Bench-Scale Laboratory Tests
Cho, Jaehyun, Michael D. Annable, James W. Jawitz, and Kirk Hatfield
J. Environ. Qual. 36:1266-1272 (2007).
Amplified Geochemical Imaging (AGI) Universal Sampler (formerly GORE® Module)
System Components and Operation
Each module is approximately 1/4 inch in diameter and 13 inches in length and consists of a GORE-TEX® membrane tube containing four or more packets of sorbent material in series (Figure 6). The GORE-TEX® is a microporous, chemically-inert expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) material. The gas permeable, hydrophobic nature of the membrane allows vapor migration to the sorbent, but prevents water and sediments from reaching the inner sorbent material. The membrane is designed for diffusion and does not off gas compounds. A typical Sorber packet is about 25 mm in length, 3 mm in diameter, and contains a granular adsorbent material that is selected on the basis of the specific compounds to be detected (ITRC 2024).
For typical groundwater sampling, the AGI Sampler is tied to a string with weights and lowered to the desired sampling depth (Figure 7). The module is left exposed for 15 minutes to four hours, then retrieved and analyzed at an off-site laboratory (ITRC 2007). For vertical stratification sampling, it can be deployed in a stacked configuration.
Depth to the water table relative to ground surface, depth of the well (well bottom), and screen length and location within the well should be known. The water temperature should be recorded at the sample depth(s). Both the water depth above the module (i.e., from the water table to module location) and the water temperature are used in the concentration calculations.
The modules are shipped inside individual sample vials in boxed containers to and from the site. Each vial lid has the same unique serial number (bar code) as the module. No ice or other special handling needs are required for shipping (ITRC 2007).
Provided well construction does not cause a change in groundwater gradient and there is no naturally occurring vertical gradient, the samplers should represent aquifer conditions horizontal to their deployment position (Vroblesky 2001). If only one sampling interval is to be taken, Vroblesky (2001) recommends that the vertical distribution of contaminants be determined in wells having 10-ft-long well screens, and that both the vertical distribution of contaminants and the potential for intra-borehole flow be determined in wells having screens longer than 10 ft. This will help ensure the proper interpretation of the analytical results.
Target Analytes
The adsorbents are analyzed by a modified EPA SW846 8260 method (gas chromatography, mass selective detection; GC/MS) following thermal desorption (TD). Target analytes include volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds(VOCs and SVOCs) and include water-soluble compounds (e.g., tert-butyl alcohol and 1,4-dioxane), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) (ITRC 2007). The vendor states that the laboratory analysis has been accredited to ISO 17025, NELAC, and DoD's ELAP requirements by A2LA for their US EPA 8260M method for relative mass value reporting.
The compounds accumulated by the GORE Module are quantified and reported in units of mass (µg). Concentration reporting requires a conversion of the mass to concentration units using a calibration that incorporates the sampling rate of compounds by the module in water, water temperature, and water pressure (ITRC 2007).
The reference sampling rate, SRo, is determined experimentally under controlled conditions. The temperature of the ground water affects the partitioning of dissolved compounds from the water to the air and therefore the sampling rate. The weight of water (pressure) above the module can also affect the sampling rate. Thus, the specific sampling rate for each monitoring well, SR(well), varies slightly based on the water temperature and water level. For example, if the ground water temperature is less than the reference temperature (21°C), the vapor pressure will be less and the sampling rate will be lower. Both calibration terms are computed from the well information collected during the sampling.
Target Analytes Detected in Bench Studies and Field Sampling by the GORE Module
Volatiles | Semi-Volatiles | Explosives | |
methyl t-butyl ether benzene toluene ethylbenzene o-xylene m,p-xylene octane 1,1-dichloroethane 1,2-dichloroethane 1,1,1-trichloroethane 1,1,2-trichloroethane 1,1,1,2-tetrachloroethane 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane |
1,1-dichloroethene trans-1,2-dichloroethene cis-1,2-dichloroethene trichloroethene tetrachloroethene chloroform carbon tetrachloride chlorobenzene 1,4-dioxane freons fuel oxygenates |
1,3,5-trimethylbenzene 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene 1,2-dichlorobenzene 1,3-dichlorobenzene 1,4-dichlorobenzene undecane tridecane pentadecane naphthalene 2-methylnaphthalene | nitrobenzene 2-nitrotoluene 3-nitrotoluene 4-nitrotoluene 1,3-dinitrobenzene 2,4-dinitrotoluene 2,6-dinitrotoluene 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene |
Source: ESTCP 2007 |
Advantages (adapted from ITRC 2007)
- The narrow diameter of the module facilitates deployment in piezometers and wells 1/2 inch in diameter or larger.
- Does not collect a water sample and therefore does not require sample transfer.
- Is single use and therefore requires no decontamination.
- Minimally disturbs the water column at deployment.
- Is applicable for VOC and SVOC compounds, including water-soluble compounds.
- Requires no ice or coolers for sample storage or shipping.
- Has a short exposure time, 15 minutes to 4 hours.
- Has no minimum sample volume limitation.
- Contains duplicates samples.
- Can be deployed for longer time periods to detect low concentrations.
- Can collect a sample in a short water column (as low as 6 inches of water).
- Can be deployed in a series for vertical profiling with intervals as small as six inches.
- Currently has a single source supplier and laboratory (ITRC 2007).
- Does not measure field parameters or inorganics (ITRC 2007).
- Is limited by vapor pressure for compound detection (ITRC 2007).
- Requires an algorithm to convert measured mass to concentration (ITRC 2007).
The GORE® Module pricing includes the sampler, trip blank, deployment supplies, lab analysis, and reporting. Costs are $200 to $300 per sample depending upon the analytes tested (J. Hodny personal communication May 2010).
Protocol for Use of Five Passive Samplers to Sample for a Variety of Contaminants in Groundwater.
ITRC (Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council), DSP-5, 121 pp, 2007
User's Guide for Polyethylene-Based Passive Diffusion Bag Samplers to Obtain Volatile Organic Compound Concentrations in Wells. Part 1: Deployment, Recovery, Data Interpretation, and Quality Control and Assurance
Vroblesky, D.A.
U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4060, 25 pp, 2001
Field Sampling Procedures Manual
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, 574 pp, 2005
On LAN at samplers New Jersey Field Sampling Manual
Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Sampler (POCIS)
System Components and Operation
The POCIS consists of a solid material (sorbent) contained between two microporous polyethersulfone membranes. The membranes allow water and dissolved chemicals to pass through to the sorbent where the chemicals are trapped. Larger materials, such as sediment and particulate matter, are excluded. The membrane resists biofouling, which can significantly reduce the amount of the chemical sampled. The type of sorbent used can be changed to specifically target certain chemicals or chemical classes (ITRC 2024). The polyethersulfone membranes are not amenable to standard sealing techniques (i.e., heat sealing) and therefore must be secured with a compression ring system to prevent loss of sorbent. The compression rings are typically made from stainless steel or other rigid inert materials. Individual POCIS can be secured on a support rod or on a rack system for insertion in a protective deployment canister (ITRC 2024).
Although POCIS samplers have been used extensively to determine contaminant levels in surface waters, the literature search failed to find an example where they had been used for groundwater sampling. The standard commercially available sampler disc is 4 inches in diameter and the protective canister is about 6.3 inches in diameter and about 6 inches in length.
Target Analytes
The POCIS was designed to sequester and concentrate waterborne polar organic chemicals with log Kow≤3.0 (Alvarez undated). If a quantitative concentration is desired, sampling rates must be developed for chemicals of concern at ambient conditions. Without the sampling rates, analytical results will provide qualitative measures of contaminant water concentrations; relative differences between sites; identification of chemicals (is it there? YES / NO ); and bio-mimic assessment of an organism's exposure to chemicals (Alvarez undated). The table below provides a sampling of the contaminants that the sampler is capable of capturing.
Representative Contaminants Identified in POCIS Extracts
23 pharmaceuticals including Acetaminophen Azithromycin Carbamazepine Dextropropoxyphene Diphenhydramine Erythromycin Propranolol Sulfa drugs (antibiotics) Tetracycline antibiotics Thiabendazole Trimethoprim Illicit drugs Methamphetamine MDMA (Ecstasy) Natural and synthetic hormones 17β-estradiol 17α-ethynylestradiol Estrone Estriol 12 Triazine herbicides including Atrazine Cyanazine Hydroxyatrazine Terbuthylazine |
Various polar pesticides including
Alachlor Chlorpyrifos Diazinon Dichlorvos Diuron Isoproturon Metolachlor Various household and industrial products and degradation products including Alkyl phenols (nonyl phenol) Benzophenone Caffeine DEET PFOS/PFOA Tonalide Triclosan Fire Retardants Fryol CEF Fryol FR2 Tri(2-butoxyethyl)phosphate |
Source: ITRC 2024 |
- Can achieve very low detection limits.
- Does not have sample volume issues.
- Ideally suited for emerging contaminants (e.g., endocrine disruptors).
- Does not require electricity or other support.
- One licensed vendor.
- Sampling rate for target contaminants must be determined.
- Water flux is needed to make environmental adjustments to laboratory-determined sampling rates (improve accuracy).
- Does not provide water quality parameters and inorganic data.
- Commercially available equipment is not designed for 2 inch monitoring wells.
- Requires two trips-one for deployment, one for retrieval.
POCIS Item ID | Sequestering Medium | Price per POCIS |
A | Pharmaceuticals | $65.00 |
B | Pesticides | $65.00 |
POCIS Processing and Extraction |
$75 per POCIS |
POCIS Stainless Steel Deployment Devices | Purchase | Rental |
POCIS Holder (up to three Aquasense-P) | $50.00 | $10.00/mo |
Small Canister w/ POCIS Holder | $300.00 | $110.00/mo |
Large Canister w/ 2 POCIS Holders | $450.00 | $145.00/mo |
Source: Environmental Sampling Technologies (May 2010)
POCIS - Current Applications, On-going Research and Future Needs
Alvarez, D,
USGS, 21 pp, undated
Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Sampler (POCIS)
USGS, 2 pp, 2004
Characterization of Environmental Estrogens in River Water Using a Three Pronged Approach: Active and Passive Water Sampling and the Analysis of Accumulated Estrogens in the Bile of Caged Fish (Abstract)
Vermeirssen, E., O. Korner, R. Schonenberger, M. Suter, and P. Burkhardt-Holm
Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 39, No. 21, 8 pp, 2005
Development of an Integrative Sampler for Polar Organic Chemicals in Water
Alvarez, D.A., J.D. Petty, J.N. Huckins, S.E. Manahan
Issues in the Analysis of Environmental Endocrine Disruptors, American Chemical Society, San Francisco, CA March 26-30, 2000
Dynamic Exposure of Organisms and Passive Samplers to Hydrophobic Chemicals (Abstract)
Bayen, S., T. Terlaak, J. Buffle, and J. Hermens
Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 43, No. 7, 10 pp, 2009
Evaluation of Legacy and Emerging Organic Chemicals using Passive Sampling Devices on the North Branch Au Sable River near Lovells, Michigan, June 2018
Brennan, A.K. and D.A. Alvarez
USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2020-5002, 32 pp, 2020
Evaluation of Passive Samplers for Long-Term Monitoring of Organic Compounds in the Untreated Drinking Water Supply for the City of Eugene, Oregon, September-October 2007
McCarthy, K., David Alvarez, Chauncey W. Anderson, Walter L. Cranor, Stephanie D. Perkins, and Vickie Schroeder
USGS, Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5178, 30 pp, 2009
An Integrative Sampler For Sequestering Waterborne Polar Organic Chemicals
Petty, J. D., D. A. Alvarez, J. N. Huckins, A. Rastall, and B. L. McGee
Elegant Analytical Chemistry Applied to Environmental Problems - A Practical Symposium, American Chemical Society, San Diego, CA April 1-5, 2001
Investigation of Organic Chemicals Potentially Responsible for Mortality and Intersex in Fish of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River, Virginia, During Spring of 2007
Alvarez, D., Walter L. Cranor, Stephanie D. Perkins, Vickie L. Schroeder, Stephen L. Werner, Edward T. Furlong, and John Holmes
USGS, Open-File Report 2008-1093, 24 pp, 2008
Water Quality Monitoring of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products Using Passive Samplers
Alvarez, David A., Tammy L. Jones-Lepp, Paul E. Stackelberg, Jim D. Petty, James N. Huckins, Edward T. Furlong, Steven D. Zaugg, and Michael T. Meyer
Environmental Aspects of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products Symposia, American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, August 22-26, 2004, 4 pp
Semi-Permeable Membrane Devices
System Components and Operation
The Semi-Permeable Membrane Device (SPMD) consists of a neutral, high molecular weight lipid (> 600 daltons) such as triolein which is encased in a thin-walled (50-100 µm) lay-flat polyethylene membrane tube. The nonporous membrane allows the nonpolar chemicals to pass through to the lipid where the chemicals are concentrated. Larger molecules (> 600 daltons) and materials such as particulate matter and microorganisms are excluded. A standard SPMD is 2.5 cm wide by 91.4 cm long containing 1 mL of triolein. SPMDs of different sizes can be made by maintaining the ≈ 100 cm2/g SPMD ratio (ITRC 2024).
SPMD deployments typically are for one month, however, depending on the study design, deployment times can range from days to months. SPMDs are transported to and from the sampling site in gas-tight metal cans. Following receipt of a field deployed SPMD, the device is stored frozen until processing. Chemical residues in the SPMD are recovered by using an organic solvent dialysis step. SPMDs are submersed in an organic solvent such as hexane and analytes diffuse out into the hexane while lipids remain inside the tubing. Following dialysis, all targeted chemicals are in the hexane and the used SPMD can be discarded. At this point, the sample is ready for further processing (cleanup and/or fractionation), analysis, toxicity screening (ITRC 2024).
Target Analytes
Because they are made from polyethylene, molecules greater than about 10 angstroms are unable to pass through the bag (Huckins et al. 2006).
Classes or Specific Chemicals Known to Concentrate in SPMDs
Priority pollutant PAHs and alkylated PAHs Many heterocyclic aromatics, cyclic hydrocarbons (e.g., decalin and alkylated decalins) and aliphatics Organochlorine pesticides Other pesticides: includes diazinon, endosulfans, pyrethroids, toxaphene, and trifluralin PCB congeners Chlorinated naphthalenes Chlorinated dibenzofurans, including 2,3,7,8-TCDF |
Chlorinated dibenzodioxins, including 2,3,7,8-TCDD Polybrominated diphenyl ethers Chlorinated benzenes Chlorinated anisoles and veratroles Alkyl phenols (nonyl phenol) Triclosan Tributyl tin Sulfur Essentially, any compound |
Source: Huckins et al. 2006 |
- Can provide very low detection limits.
- Does not collect a water sample and therefore does not require sample transfer.
- Sample volume is not an issue.
- Excludes sediments, so concentration values of chemicals such as PAHs truly represent the dissolved phase.
- Does not require electricity or other support equipment (e.g., gases).
- Depending upon the chemicals of concern and the groundwater flow rate, SPMDs may require long deployment times
- The only commercial U.S. vendor requires that that they do the dialysis step.
- Requires two trips-one for deployment, one for retrieval.
- Sampling rate for target contaminants must be determined.
Costs (as of May 2010)
Stainless steel deployment device (purchase) | $350 each |
Stainless steel deployment device (rental) | $75 per month |
71-92 cm polyethylene bag with ultra high pure triolein | $60 |
Dialysis Separation | $115 |
Gel Permeation Chromatography Separation | $150 |
Fundamentals of SPMDs Chapter 2 in Monitors of Organic Chemicals in the Environment: Semipermeable Membrane Devices
Huckins, James N., Jimmie D. Petty, Kees Booij
Springer 2006
Background Level of POPs in Ground Water Assessed on Chemical and Toxicity Analysis of Exposed Semipermeable Membrane Devices
Kočíl, V., T. Ocelka and R. Grabic
Air, Soil and Water Research 2009:2 pp 1-14, 2009
Comparison of Sampling Techniques and Evaluation of Semipermeable Membrane Devices (SPMDs) for Monitoring Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Groundwater (Abstract)
Gustavson, K.E. and J.M. Harkin
Environmental Science and Technology 34 (20): 4445-4451, 2000
Development of an Integrative Passive Sampler for the Monitoring of Organic Water Pollutants
Wennrich, Luise, Branislav Vrana, Peter Popp, and Wilhelm Lorenz
J. Environ. Monit., 5, pp 813-822, 2003
Estimation of Uptake Rate Constants for PCB Congeners Accumulated by Semipermeable Membrane Devices and Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) (Abstract)
Meadows, John C., Kathy R. Echols, James N. Huckins, Frank A. Borsuk, Robert F. Carline, and Donald E. Tillitt
Environ. Sci. Technol., 32 (12), pp 1847-1852, 1998
Evaluation of Legacy and Emerging Organic Chemicals using Passive Sampling Devices on the North Branch Au Sable River near Lovells, Michigan, June 2018
Brennan, A.K. and D.A. Alvarez
USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2020-5002, 32 pp, 2020
Overview: Semipermeable Membrane Devices
Huff, Tom and Jacqueline Ganser
USGS website
Performance of Semipermeable Membrane Devices for Sampling of Organic Contaminants in Groundwater (Abstract)
Vrana B, H. Paschke, A. Paschke, P. Popp, and G. Schuurmann
J Environ Monit. 7(5), pp500-8, 2005