Characterization, Cleanup, and Revitalization of Mining Sites
Conference Proceedings and Presentations
International Mine Water Association Conference
July 15-19, 2019—Perm Russia
Mine Design, Operations and Closure Conference
Fairmont, Montana—May 7-9, 2019
Mine Closure 2018: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Mine Closure
Leipzig, Germany—September 3-7, 2018Drebenstedt, C., F. von Bismarck, A. Fourie, and M. Tibbett (eds).
Making Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) Profitable: Workshop Proceedings and Abstracts
Socorro, New Mexico—March 27-28, 2018McLemore, V.T. and B. Frey (eds).
Presentations and posters are available at
British Columbia Mine Environment Neutral Drainage Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Annual Workshops
Vancover, Canada—November 29-30, 2017
13th International Mine Water Association Congress — Mine Water & Circular Economy
Lappeenranta, Finland—June 25-30, 2017
Mine Design, Operations & Closure Conference
Fairmont, Montana—May 7-11, 2017
(Presentations for 2010-2016 conferences also available)
General Meeting of the Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable, Heavy Metals—Mining Site Characterization and Treatment
Arlington, Virginia—May 9, 2017
2017 West Virginia Mine Drainage Task Force Symposium Papers
Morgantown, West Virginia—April 9-13, 2017
Proceedings of the 2016 Mine Design, Operations, & Closure Conference
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Remediation/Reclamation Session
- Restoring the Hydrology—Key to Successful Reclamation at the Riley Pass Uranium Site
Mary Beth Marks, US Forest Service - The Van Stone Mine Assessment and Overview of Reclamation Alternatives
Dustin Wasley, PE & John Haney, PE, GeoEngineers, Inc. - Interstate-Callahan Upper & Lower Rock Dumps: Remedial Action Construction Project
Tony Wesche, PE, Pioneer Technical Services - Update on Reclamation and Remediation Activities Utilizing Biochar
Andrew Harley, PhD, Duraroot Environmental Consulting
National Conference on Mining-Influenced Water:
Approaches for Characterization, Source Control and Treatment
Albuquerque, New Mexico—August 12-14, 2014
- Conference Agenda
- Conference Proceedings
- Plenary Session Presentations
- Characterization
- Source Control/Mine Closure Approaches
- Water Treatment
- Beneficial Use
- Prediction and Modeling
- Closing Session
Plenary Session Presentations
- Greetings and Opening Remarks
- Douglas Grosse, Conference Co-Chair, Senior Environmental Engineer, National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL), Office of Research and Development (ORD), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Superfund Mine Site Challenges and Opportunities
- Robin H. Richardson, Acting Director, Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation (OSRTI), Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER), U.S. EPA
- Scientific Assessments Informing Decisions: The Bristol Bay Assessment Example
- Jeffrey Frithsen, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, National Center for Environmental Assessment (NCEA), ORD, U.S. EPA
- Identifying Opportunities for the Sustainable Management of Rare Earth Element (REE) Applications
- Diana Bless, Chemical Engineer, NRMRL, ORD, U.S. EPA
- EPA Report on Treatment Technologies for Mining-Influenced Water
- Michele Mahoney, Soil Scientist, OSRTI, OSWER, U.S. EPA
- Partnering to Support Sustainable Mining
- Terrence Chatwin, Ph.D., Technical Director, INAP
- Dramatic Improvements at Margajita River, Pueblo Viejo Gold Mine, Dominican Republic
- Carlos Tamayo Lara, Ph.D., Environmental Manager, Barrick Gold Corporation
- Application of Tracer Studies in Assessment of Abandoned Mines
- Curt Coover, CDM Smith
- The Continuing Evolution of Ground Water Sampling Methods
- Kent Cordry, GeoInsight, Inc.
- Techniques for Successful Storm-Water Monitoring in a Mining-Influenced Watershed
- Thomas McComb, Barge Waggoner Sumner and Cannon, Inc.
- Insights on Mine Site Characterization from EPA's Optimization Review Initiative
- Tom Kady, U.S. EPA Environmental Response Team
- Effective Field Techniques and Watershed Modeling for Characterizing Mercury Loading to Surface Water, Black Butte Mine Superfund Site, Lane County, Oregon
- Howard Young, CDM Smith
- On the Problem of Hydraulic Characterization of Gravelly Mine Waste and Cover System Materials
- Tzung-Mow Yao, Ph.D., GeoSystems Analysis, Inc.
- Shaft Sampling and Profiling at the Section 27 Mine
- Cynthia Ardito, INTERA, Inc.
- Lessons Learned from Mining-Influenced Waters Studies at the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources
- Virginia McLemore, Ph.D., New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources
- Evapotranspiration and Geochemical Controls on Groundwater Plumes at Arid Sites: Lessons from Archetype Uranium Milling Sites
- Brian Looney, Ph.D., Savannah River National Laboratory
Source Control/Mine Closure Approaches
- Land Application of Biochemical Reactor Effluent: An Innovative Method for Mitigating Acid Rock Drainage
- James Gusek, Sovereign Consulting, Inc.
- Dissolved Organic Carbon Augmentation: An Innovative Tool for Managing Operational and Closure-Phase Impacts from Mining on Surface Water Resources
- Charles Wisdom, Ph.D., Geosyntec Consultants
- Influence of Pre-Mine Weathering and Rock Type on TDS Release from Appalachian Coal Mine Spoils
- W. Lee Daniels, Ph.D., Virginia Tech
- Design Aspects of Mine Site Cover Systems
- Stephen Dwyer, Ph.D., Sandia National Laboratories
- Bio-mediated Soil Improvement Field Study for Erosion Control and Site Restoration
- Christopher Hunt, Ph.D., Geosyntec Consultants
- Long-Term Results of Cover System Monitoring in Semi-arid Western USA
- Monisha Banerjee, Ph.D., GeoSystems Analysis, Inc.
- Strategy and Design Considerations for Prioritization of Mine Waste Source Area Remediation within the Headwaters of the Tar Creek Watershed
- Marc Schlebusch, CDM Smith
- Advances in Groundwater Remediation and Modeling for Mining-Related Contaminants
- Michael Truex, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Hydrologic and Water-Quality Effects of the Dinero Tunnel Bulkhead, Sugar Loaf Mining District, Near Leadville, Colorado: Implications for Monitoring Remediation
- Katherine Walton-Day, Ph.D., U.S. Geological Survey
- In-Situ Nitrate and Selenium Reduction/Stabilization within Coal Waste Rock: Bench-Scale Evaluation
- A. Ola Opara, Ph.D., Inotec, LLC
Water Treatment
- Alkaline Flush: An Emerging Technology for In Situ Treatment of Mine Impacted Alluvial Aquifers
- Olufunsho Ogungbade, Freeport-McMoRan
- Biochemical Reactors for Treating Mining Influenced Water
- Douglas Bacon, State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality
- Enhanced Sulfate Reduction Treatment of Mining-Influenced Water Using Biochemical Reactors - Impacts on Mercury Speciation
- Stephen Dent, Ph.D., CDM Smith
- Biochemical Reactors for Passive Treatment of Selenium
- James Bays, CH2MHILL
- Innovative Biological and Molecular Tools Applied to Mine Waste Issues
- Brady Lee, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Electro-Biochemical Reactor Water Treatment Technology Demonstrates Low Selenium and Other Metal Effluents in Hardrock Mining Wastewaters
- A. Ola Opara, Ph.D., Inotec, LLC
- Iron Mountain Mine Superfund Site — Long Term O&M Challenges
- James Sickles, U.S. EPA Region 9
- Characterization and Remediation of Iron(III) Oxide-Rich Scale in a Pipeline Carrying Acid Mine Drainage at Iron Mountain Mine, California, U.S.A.
- Kate Campbell, Ph.D., U.S. Geological Survey
- Tackling AMD, Mining Impacted Groundwater and Private Mine Ownership in a Superfund Site that Spans the Panhandle of Idaho
- Ed Moreen, U.S. EPA
Beneficial Use
- Characterization and Remediation of Iron(III) Oxide-rich Scale in a PipelineCarrying Acid Mine Drainage at Iron Mountain Mine
- Kate Campbell, Ph.D., U.S. Geological Survey
- Jordan River & Midvale Slag Superfund Site-Beneficial Use
- Marian Hubbard, Salt Lake County Watershed Planning and Restoration
Prediction and Modeling
- Approach for Estimating a Probable Range of Pit Lake Concentrations for Mine Pits with Sulfide Wall Rock
- Steven Lange, Knight Piésold and Co.
- Assessing Potential Impacts from Underground Mine Dewatering in the Gallup, Dakota, and Westwater Canyon Aquifers with a Basin-Wide Groundwater Flow Model
- John Sigda, Ph.D., INTERA, Inc.
- Metal Fate and Transport Simulation Using SWAT in the Tri-State Mining District
- Douglas Grosse, U.S. EPA/ORD/NRMRL
Closing Session
- A Semi-Passive Bioreactor for Treatment of a Sulfate and Metals Contaminated Well Field, Nacimiento Mine, New Mexico
- Timothy Tsukamoto, Ph.D, TKT Consulting, LLC
Hard Rock Mining: Advancing Solutions for a New Legacy
Denver, Colorado—April 3-5, 2012
- Conference Handout
- Conference Agenda
- Plenary Session Presentations
- Tuesday - Case Studies
- Tuesday - Innovative Technology and Techniques
- Wednesday - Remediation and Stabilization Using Natural Materials
- Wednesday - Monitoring and Treatment
- Wednesday - Engineered Covers and Capping
- Wednesday - Metals and Metalloids
- Wednesday - Rare Earth Elements
- Wednesday - Sustainability-Life Cycle
- Thursday - Case Studies
- Thursday - Opportunities for Re-Use and Site Management
Tuesday - Plenary Session Presentations
- Greetings and Opening Remarks
- Doug Grosse, Conference Co-Chair, EPA, ORD, NRMRL PowerPoint
- The Mining Legacy and EPA ORD: Past, Present and into the Future
- David Reisman, EPA, ORD, NRMRL PowerPoint
- The Big Five Tunnel Project: Long-Term Lessons
- Dr. Thomas Wildeman, Colorado School of Mines PowerPoint
- Superfund and Mining Sites: A Review of the Past and Observations Concerning the Future
- Dr. Roger Olsen, CDM Smith PowerPoint
- Legacy of Innovative Remediation
- Edward Bates, ORD, EPA (retired) PowerPoint
Tuesday - Case Studies
- A Multiple Tracer/Geochemical Approach to Characterizing Water and Contaminant Movement Through Abandoned Mine Workings Near Rico, Colorado
- Mike Wireman, EPA Region 8 PowerPoint
- Acid Mine Drainage Source Control Program Design Investigation Upper Tenmile Creek Mining Area Superfund Site, Rimini, Montana
- Angela Frandsen, CDM Smith PowerPoint
- Improving Remediation Planning through Effective Mine Material Delineation, Formosa Mine Superfund Site, Douglas County, Oregon
- Mark Nelson, CDM Smith PowerPoint
- A Proposed Semi-Passive Treatment System at Remote AML Sites
- Robert Lambeth, Millennium Science , Inc. PowerPoint
- Captain Jack Mine Superfund Site Subsurface Remedy: Pre-Design Investigation Results and Preliminary Design
- Craig Weber, AMEC E&I PowerPoint
- Case Studies in Mine Closure and Acid Rock Drainage Management at Rio Tinto
- Victoria Peacey, Rio Tinto PowerPoint
Tuesday - Innovative Technology and Techniques
- MiniSipper: A New, High-Capacity, Long-Duration, Automated In-Situ Water Sampler for Acid Mine Drainage Monitoring at the Pennsylvania and Standard Mines, CO
- Dr. Thomas Chapin, USGS PowerPoint
- Identification and Quantification of Arsenic Species in Gold Mine Wastes Using Synchrotron-Based X-Ray Techniques
- Dr. Andrea Foster, USGS, Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center PowerPoint
- Microanalytical Techniques to Understand Element Leaching from Ore Minerals in Mining Wastes
- Dr. Sharon Diehl, USGS PowerPoint
- Using Acid Mine Drainage Sludge to Remove Phosphorus and Other Metal Oxyanions from Waste Water
- Dr. Philip Sibrell, USGS, Leetown Science Center PowerPoint
- Results from a Bench Scale Passive Treatment System Designed for Removing Sulfate at a Site on Vancouver Island, British Columbia
- Eric Blumenstein, Golder Associates, Inc. PowerPoint
- Engineered Pumpable pHoam™: A New Innovative Method for Mitigating ARD
- James Gusek, Golder Associates, Inc. PowerPoint
Wednesday - Remediation and Stabilization Using Natural Materials
- Using Organic Amendments and Agronomy in Remediation of Hardrock Mining Sites
- Dr. Rufus Chaney, USDA-Agricultural Research Service PowerPoint
- The Effect of Tailings Characteristics on Cover System Success
- Dr. Monisha Banerjee, GeoSystems Analysis, Inc. PowerPoint
- Scaling Phytostabilization from Greenhouse to Field-Scale at the Iron King Mine-Humboldt Smelter Superfund Site
- Juliana Gil-Loaiza, University of Arizona PowerPoint
- The Use of Municipal Biosolids on Hard Rock Mining Restoration Efforts: Results of a Longterm Field Trial
- Rick Black, Environ International Corporation PowerPoint
- Soil Treatment at the California Gulch NPL Site for Vegetation Reestablishment and Mitigation of Metal Mobility
- Stuart Jennings, Reclamation Research Group, LLC PowerPoint
Wednesday - Monitoring and Treatment
- Thallium Removal Strategies through Modification of Conventional Metal Hydroxide Precipitation Plants
- Katherine Vatterrodt, Colorado School of Mines
- The Biotic Ligand Model: Unresolved Scientific Issues and Site- and Species-Specific Effects on Predicted Cu Toxicity
- Dr. Jeffrey Morris, Stratus Consulting Inc. PowerPoint
- Water-Quality and Streamflow Time Trends, Upper Clear Creek Watershed (Colorado) - Systematic Long-Term Monitoring Fulfills a Range of Information Needs
- Dr. Timothy Steele, TDS Consulting Inc. PowerPoint
- Mine Water Treatment Strategies Resolution Copper Mining and the Eagle Project
- Dr. Casey McKeon, Resolution Copper Company PowerPoint
- Mine Dewatering and Water Management at Barrick Goldstrike Mine in the Carlin Trend, Nevada
- Dr. Johnny Zhan, Barrick Gold of North America, Inc. PowerPoint
- ARD Remediation with Slag: An Application to Berkeley Pitlake Water
- Dr. Courtney Young, Montana Tech of the University of Montana
Wednesday - Engineered Covers and Capping
- Ten-Year Performance Evaluation of the Evapotranspiration Cover at Barrick Goldstrike Mine's AA Leach Pad
- Mike Milczarek, GeoSystems Analysis, Inc. PowerPoint
- Characterization and Selection of Waste Rock Borrow Material for Use as Rock Armor to Reduce Tailing Impoundment Side-Slope Erosion
- Jason Keller, GeoSystems Analysis, Inc. PowerPoint
- Preliminary Design of Water Balance Covers: A Method Based on the ACAP Data Set
- Dr. William Albright, Desert Research Institute PowerPoint
Wednesday - Metals and Metalloids
- The Increasing Importance of Biomonitoring Data to Interpret Changing Risk Estimates for Legacy Mining Communities
- Dr. Rosalind Schoof, ENVIRON International Corporation
Wednesday - Rare Earth Elements
- Rare Earth Elements: A Review of Production, Processing, Recycling, and Associated Environmental Issues
- Dr. Robert Weber, EPA, ORD, OSP in Region 7 PowerPoint
- Geologic and Environmental Characteristics of Rare Earth Element Deposit Types Found in the United States
- Dr. Robert Seal, II, USGS PowerPoint
- Research Initiatives in Recycling and Substitutes of Rare Earth Elements
- Dr. Michael McKittrick, EPA, ORD, NCER, TED PowerPoint
Wednesday - Sustainability-Life Cycle
- Hardrock Mining Within a Sustainable Development Context
- Dr. Terrence Chatwin, INAP PowerPoint
- Predicting and Managing Waste Impacts through a Holistic and Life-of-Mine Geomet Application
- Dr. Karin Olson Hoal, JKTech Pty Ltd PowerPoint
- Life Cycle Assessment Analysis for Active and Passive Acid Mine Drainage Treatment Options for the Stockton Coal Mine, New Zealand
- Dr. James Stone, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology PowerPoint
Thursday - Case Studies
- Blue Ledge Mine Superfund Site Removal Action, Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest
- Pete Jones, U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region PowerPoint
- Managing Mine Slimes and Other Lessons Learned
- Jack Waite Mine Remedial Action - Todd Bragdon, CDM Smith PowerPoint
- Screening and Cleanup Procedures for Libby Amphibole Contaminated Property in Libby, MT
- Mike Cirian, EPA PowerPoint
Thursday - Opportunities for Re-Use and Site Management
- What Is Environmental Stewardship and How Can It Be Profitable in the Mining Industry?
- Randy Brandt, Geosyntec Consultants PowerPoint
- Recycling and Utilization of Mine Tailings as Construction Material through Geopolymerization
- Dr. Lianyang Zhang, University of Arizona PowerPoint
- Economic Recovery of Zinc from Mining Influenced Water
- Kathleen Whysner, Colorado School of Mines PowerPoint
- Brazil Millsite: Brownfield to Brightfield Renewable Energy Design Project
- Ed Rapp and Diane Kielty, Clear Creek Watershed Foundation
Rare Earth Elements Workshop
Denver, Colorado—May 10, 2012
EPA Office of Research and Development and the Region 8 Mining Team
The Rare Earth Elements (REE) Workshop was designed to bring awareness to an increasingly important class of minerals for the development of advanced technologies and renewable energy. The workshop provided an overview of the current state of the REE industry, discussed the environmental implications of mining and processing REE, and examined the issues associated with the disposal and recycling of products containing REE.
- Brazil Millsite: Brownfield to Brightfield Renewable Energy Design Project
Ed Rapp and Diane Kielty, Clear Creek Watershed Foundation - Rare Earth Elements: Potential Contaminants
Gwen Campbell, EPA - Rare Earth Elements: A Review of Production, Processing, Recycling, and Associated Environmental Issues
Robert Weber, EPA Region 7 - Economic Perspective on Rare Earth Elements
Dr. Rod Eggert, Colorado School - Critical Materials Strategy and the DOE
Michael McKittrick, EPA, ORD - Recycling Rare Earth Metals from Nickel Metal Hydride Batteries
Steve Sloop, OnTo Technologies - Rare Earth Magnet Recycling
Jinfang Liu, Electron Energy Corp.