On June 7, 2000, EPA's
Technology Innovation Office (TIO) held an all-day conference on in situ
thermal treatment. Thermal energy can be applied to enhance the effectiveness
of technologies such as Soil Vapor Extraction and, as a stand-alone technology,
can be used to address semi-volatile and non-volatile contaminants not readily
amenable to vapor extraction. Recent in situ thermal treatment developments
offer the potential for improving effectiveness while reducing the costs of
remedial actions. Conference presentations provide practitioners and
decision-makers with essential and up-to-date information on this promising
remedial approach. The conference included presentations on the principal
methods presently employed to heat the subsurface to recover or destroy
contaminants, fundamental operating principles, design considerations and
limitations, and case studies. Although case studies involve particular
technologies and vendors, the purpose is to increase the basic understanding of
the capabilities of these innovative approaches to remediation.
For those of you who could not join us in Boston,
please join us via the web. We have posted the archived audio files of each
presentation. All of the presentations, pictures and biographies of the
presenters and abstracts for each of the sessions are mounted on this site.
You will be able to view the presenter's slides while
listening to the audio from the June 7 presentation.
The technical requirements to hear the archived audio
stream are outlined below. We strongly urge you to test your computer setup to
hear the audio stream before proceeding. If you have technical questions
regarding the computer setup for streaming audio, contact The CLU-IN webmaster
at webmaster@emsus.com.
General questions on the web cast should be directed
to Jeff Heimerman (703) 603-7191.
To participate, you must have the following:
- A sound card and speakers installed on the computer you will be
using to participate.
- An Internet connection for the duration of the session. We
recommend a connection speed of at least 33.6 Kbs. In general, the larger the
monitor you will be using to view conference materials online, the faster your
connection must be.
RealPlayer (version G2/6 basic or higher). If you do not already have this web browser plug-in, it is available
for free from the RealNetworks web site. If you are not sure whether you have a
compatible version of RealPlayer, you may test your installation by selecting
the link below. If you are unable to listen to the following audio clip, you
either are behind a Internet firewall that prevents you from listening to
streaming audio or you must download the latest version of RealPlayer basic. If you require any
assistance, please contact the IT professionals within your
RealPlayer audio
 I meet all the requirements.
Let me . . .
Go to the
webcast of the June 7 presentation