U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Cost and Performance Report:
Soil Vapor Extraction at the
Hastings Superfund Site,
Well Number 3 Subsite
Hastings, Nebraska


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Observations and Lessons Learned

Cost Observations and Lessons Learned

  1. The SVE system worked better than expected, removed the contamination faster than expected, and was on-line about 2/3 of the time.
  2. Savings were realized by using local construction contractors to provide oversight during the operation phase of the system. The involvement of the ARCS contractor was limited to phone conversations. Limited site travel was required during remediation phase. Costs were saved by utilizing a local chemist to perform chemical monitoring, and by utilizing a Region VII laboratory to provide off-site analysis.
  3. The strong partnership, involvement, and commitment, between EPA and the State of Nebraska on this project allowed operating decisions to be based upon system performance and through an interactive decision-making process.
  4. The ability to use one contract vehicle from design to project completion. One ARCS contractor designed the system and then performed project oversight. Subcontractors procured by the ARCS contractor performed well.

Performance Observations and Lessons Learned

  1. The EE/CA determined that 400 pounds of CCl4 was estimated to be present;
  2. Results from Westates Carbon determined that the three GAC canisters contained 19% VOCs (approximately 570 pounds of VOCs);
  3. The use of 10-mL syringes to collect gas samples from the vacuum side of the system during operation (approximately 7 in. of Hg); and
  4. The off-site confirmation testing which indicated that the on-site sampling had a negative bias of approximately 50%.

In addition, the RPM indicated that the on-site gas collection method, while quick and inexpensive, likely resulted in the dilution of the gas sample during sample collection. The RPM estimated that a total of approximately 600 pounds of CCl4 were removed by the SVE system at the Well Number 3 Subsite during both the treatability study phase and the remedial action phase.

Other Observations and Lessons Learned

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22. Comments submitted by Diane Easley of EPA Region VII on February 9, 1995.